This is my boyfriend

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Tae's POV

As we entered the school building and saw Jimin jumping waving at me , while a now glaring angry kookie pulled my limping self away.....I knew it was going to be a long day.

Jimin POV

That's weird he just left without saying HI, I guess we are not friends anymore. suddenly I felt very sad. I felt a presence behind me and I knew right away who it was.......Yoongi.

" Hey Shorty"

"Hello daddy"

Yoongi is very possessive and always wants to be in control. He's mean but always protects you. That's why I love him.

" Why do you have two venti Carmel fraps?". He asked me while raising an eyebrow.

"Umm I bought one for TaeTae," I said in a barely audible whisper.

"Whose this TAETAE," he said in a very scary calm voice. But empathized the name TaeTae.

"He's a guy". If looks could kill I would currently be 10000000000009875335790 feet underground

" I asked you who he is not what he is. Forget it!"

He dragged me into the school. His grip on my hands was so tight that I am 100% sure I will have no wrist when he finishes dragging me.

"Hey!!! let go of Chim Chim"

I looked up to be greeted by a very angry Taehyung running towards Yoongi. Before I can stop him he poked yoong's chest.

"Excuse me, sir you're hurting my beloved friend and I don't appreciate that. Can't you see his poor hand is going to be ripped off from his body? Then what is be going to do? How is he going to text, or type on his phone to search a new movie on Netflix, OMG how is he going to wave, I mean he does have his left hand but that would be a little odd wouldn't it? "

I mentally facepalmed. Why is he like this. I glanced over at yoongi for a second to get his reaction. He stood there emotionless. Then he did something very scary, scarier than Satan he smiled.

"I was being jealous of a bottom, tsk tsk tsk ."

"Excuse me, sir , I am not a bottom. I am a Human. Did you just assume my Identity? " Tae said with a pout.

I awed at how cute he is.

"Daddy, can we keep him?" I asked Yoongi

Tae looked up

"Wait a second!!! , that's your dad. Oh my god. I am so terribly sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude. "

I rolled my eyes, this INNOCENT little shit.

Yoongi pinched his cheeks

"Yup let's keep him before Hobi gets to him"

Out of nowhere, Jungkook came.

"Get your hands off my mate or I will personally burn all your mixtapes bitch"

"Kookie don't be rude to Jimin' s dad"

Jungkook looked over at Yoongi and then towards me. "That is not that short things dad." He sassed back

"Kookie he is, ChimChim called him DADDY" he whisper-shouted

I blushed turning a red beet color.


I am so confused. Why does Jimin's daddy look so young? Why is he short? Arent daddies supposed to be tall? Why was he pulling Jimin..... was he *Gasp* being a bad boy? Jimin is like my brother he is my friend we have done so many things together so I guess Yoongi is also my daddy.

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