Happy Ever After?

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(Not edited)

Taehyungs P.O.V

I looked out the window feeling quite dull... I had always wondered why that world had gone bad. I hate myself for believing that I would have a peaceful life like those from the movies. My mind doesn't comprehend why my biological parents would choose now to let themselves be known. Are they curious? No, they must not. Those people are heartless they don't understand compassion or empathy. I clenched my fist feeling my heart ache. Why do I suffer so much? 

Jungkook enters the room I feel quite saddened by his facial expressions. Heś tired and worried and it's all my fault. Mates are supposed to bring euphoria and joy but I have only brought frustration and irritation towards Jungkooks way. He hugs me from behind. I feel his inviting warmth on my back. I feel safe. When I'm with Jungook I tend to forget about my worries and distresses and to a point that scares me. What if Jungkook also decides to leave me? What would I do then? Who would I have? 

As if Jungkook had listened somehow to my inner dilemma he kisses my head and says, "I will always be by your side no matter what, after all, you're mine and I'm yours."

I let out a breath that I myself had no idea I was holding. I stare out the window catching our reflection through the window. I made eye contact with Jungkook. His eyes held determination and reassurance. I turned around and met his eyes. I pulled him closer to me embracing him with the best hug I could master. I wrap my hands around his neck and connect my lips with his beautiful lips. our kiss lasts seconds but they feeling made it feel as if we were kissing for years.

¨Lets go to sleep love¨

¨Okay Kookie¨

We went towards the bed and he embraced me in his muscular arms. I could feel his warmth and his heartbeat. I started to close my eyes when Jungkook mumbled, ¨I love you¨

I closed my eyes as I answer him back with an I love you too.

I feel asleep thinking maybe this was not going to turn out horrible and maybe just maybe I will get my happy ending after all.

3 person P.O.V

Taehyung and Jungkook fell asleep in each other's arms feeling their love and warmth. It seemed as if everything was just right... However, he had other plans.

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