Once upon a time

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Taehyung sat down on the couch and Jungkook proceeded after him.
"I have an older brother his name is Baekhyun. He is 3 years older than me. When I was one our parents left us more like our whole pack. We were rescued by the Gun family. They brought us here and we lived here for 5 years until we moved away.  When I was 10 my brother who was 13 decided to search for our parents but we found no trace. Our new family tried to help us search for them but we got no lead. I took us years to realize that our parents didn't want us. We were left behind. We were thrown away like an old toy that was replaced by a new one. We don't remember our parents or why they left us. We owe our life to the Gun family because they gave us a roof and food. We had a family finally.... however no matter what way we looked at it we weren't happy. My brother had a huge fight over him moving in with his mate. We drifted apart and haven spoken yet.  He left me just like my parents did. My family produced a child and I was pushed aside I had no one then we moved back." Taehyung finished with a sad look in his eyes.
Jungkook loves closer to Taehyung wrapping his arm around his waist.

"Now after 18 years our parents decide to comeback! Why? We looked for them everywhere. We suffered, cried , begged for them to come back. To feel their touch. Their love and we got nothing.  We were alone.  Our family didn't show love. We were outcasts. Our adoptive parents hated each other. They were toxic with each other. They made me regret living. You don't know how many times I looked up to the sky and begged got to take my life away... to end the pain and suffering I was feeling.  I wanted to disappear to vanish away from all the stress and agony I was going trough. And now they're stalking my brother and I.  Why kookie why?" Taehyung cried as he hugged kookie back.

Jungkook hugged him playing with his hair trying to calm him down unaware of what to do in this situation. He felt horrible. He felt stupid and powerless. All he could do was hold on to him as if he was going to disappear.

"Tae look at me" he said as he held his cheeks in his hands.
" baby I love you. And I will protect you from anything that comes our way. I promise to never let you go.  You're the best thing that has happen to me. I will give you joy for all those years of suffering.  I promise to make it up to you. I will shower you with love and kisses."
Jungkook gave him sweet kisses all over his face. He whipped away his tears with his thumb. 

"Kookie why are they trying to contact us? Didn't they hurt us enough?"

" I don't know baby.. but what I can assure you is that I will find out soon"

Jungkook continue to play with Taehyung's hair until he fell asleep. He picked him up and took him to their bedroom. He carefully laid him down making sure he was warm and cozy.

Jungkook closed the door and walked to his study.

He picked up his phone and dialed
" well well well I guess my son finally remembers he has a father"
Jungkook clenched his fist as he hears the man chuckle
" I need your help"

" and what is that you so desperately need?"

" I need info on my boyfriend parents"

" hmm that sounds easy send me his info and I will get my men ready"

"What do you want?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're a gang leader you never do something for free"

"I'm your father if I can't do something as simple as this what kind of father would I be?"


"I l-"
Jungkook hang the call before his father could answer. He quickly opened his computer and email his father all the information he need. Now all he had to do was wait.  He just hopes he is ready for what soon will come.

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