I: The Vow

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Hogwarts, March 13th, 1914

Adeleine Finch peeked behind the corridor, her brown eyes never leaving the boy who scurried away towards their potion class.

Some would call this stalking, but she liked to call it, "going into extreme measures to see why their best friend didn't want to talk to them anymore."

Adeleine partially knew that the freckled Hufflepuff boy didn't talk to her because of a certain Slytherin girl by the name of Leta Lestrange.

But, she feared that the other reason was that she had done something and he now hated her for it.

She just had to find out why Newt had all of a sudden stopped talking to her after being best friends for almost six years.

And it hurt to see the love of her life not talk to her.

Yep, Adeleine Elizabeth Finch was madly in love with Newton Scamander since they had met on the train their first year and got sorted into the same house. They had been as close as crossed fingers.

But ever since Newt met Leta, he started pushing Adeleine away, always canceling their plans to hang out or study, avoiding her in every class, and always ditching her to go hang out with Leta.

To say Adeleine was hurt was an understatement.

She was devastated.

At first, she let it go, thinking that maybe he was stressed and he needed his space. But then, he started avoiding her at every cost, and when she tried talking to him, he would be very brief before leaving her to go with Leta. That's when she started becoming suspicious of Newt.

She started becoming restless at night, staying up late trying to figure out why Newt had all of a sudden let a friendship of six years go down the drain. She tried to think of every situation in which she had said or done something to upset her best friend.

But every time she did, nothing came to mind.

Adeleine slowly pushed herself off the stone corridor, quietly made her way to a wall, and sighed.

"Newt, I hope that you're not doing anything that can get you in trouble..." Adeleine mumbled.

She continued following him until she saw him stop in the middle of the hall and turn around. Adeleine threw herself against the cold stone wall, her black robes flipping towards her.

She quietly peered over to see Newt scratch his head and continue walking.

Running her hand through her dark brunette waves, Adeleine let out a sigh of relief, thanking Merlin himself for not letting her get caught snooping around.

She made her way towards Newt until she felt a hand grasp her arm and cover her mouth, pulling her into an empty classroom, her screams muffled by the hand over her lips.

Her brown eyes widened as the hand was removed from her mouth, and she saw the dark figure close the door before approaching her.

Adeleine felt her body softly shake, snapping her eyes shut, preparing herself for a blow.

But it never came.

Instead, she was greeted with a light on her face. She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted by a mop of dark hair and dark eyes.

And a smirk.


She laughed and pointed at Adeleine, Adeleine's cheeks slowly turning a crimson color, knowing that she had been discovered following Newt.

"You should have seen your reaction! It was priceless!" Leta cackled. Adeleine pushed her brown waves behind her ear and sat atop a wooden desk, her gaze quickly finding the floor very intriguing.

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