II: Nine-Year Reunion

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New York City, December 6th, 1923

(I know this isn't accurate to the timeline of the original movie, but we are going to go with it alright?)

Dark brown waves danced in the wind as the petite woman, owner of the beautiful locks of hair, struggled to open the front door of apartment 24. After what seemed like hours, the woman finally managed to open the door, loudly revealing herself to the residents of the apartment.

Adeleine Finch let out an exasperated sigh, taking off her white trenchcoat and hanging it on the rack next to the door. She made her way onto the blue chair in her living room, throwing the mustard yellow pillow onto the floor before plopping herself on the sofa, resting her head back, eyes closed.

She audibly groaned, making sure that the youngest Goldstein sister knew she was not in the mood to converse about work. It had been yet another horrendous day at the ministry.

When she moved to New York, she never expected to be so stressed out and overworked. Working a simple desk job left her so stiff and sore in her back and shoulders. Who knew checking artifacts and going through paperwork would be time-consuming. She certainly never predicted that she would be dismissed and demoted as an Auror for MACUSA.

But she was. Supposedly that is what happens when Adeleine defends an orphan who was being beaten by his mother. Your position as an Auror is revoked.

Adeleine wasn't the only one who was dismissed as an Auror. Her best friend, Tina Goldstein was also demoted from her job for risking the exposure of witches and wizards.

But they couldn't help it. Especially Adeleine. She did not have a single regret for doing what she did.

If she could save a child, she took the risk. Maybe she couldn't save her brother but she could try and save others from death.

Fifteen minutes passed by before the front door swung open and a tall, short-haired brunette walked in. Tina Goldstein muttered angry and incoherent words under her breath as she took off her hat and coat. She dragged her feet to the brown leather loveseat and threw herself down, closing her eyes.

"Our jobs suck." Tina moaned, dragging her hands down her face. Adeleine simply nodded and groaned in response.

While the 25-year-olds both continued to complain about their day, Queenie Goldstein came out of her bedroom, curlers in her hair, humming a cheerful tune as she went to check out what all the fuss was about.

She immediately stopped humming when she saw the faces of her sister and best friend.

Queenie broke out into a giggle, "Now c'mon you two! What is this fuss all about? And no ladies, you cannot hex Graves and the other! !" Both brunettes looked over at Queenie and shrugged. Adeleine rolled her eyes playfully as she knew the youngest Goldstein sister was reading her thoughts once more.

Adeleine lifted her head and turned herself to face Queenie, "Queenie, they revoked our bloody privileges as Aurors because we intervened and hexed that wench for beating Credence! So pardon me for being upset that I now work a stupid desk job all because of Graves." Adeleine huffed. Queenie softly sighed, turning around and making her way into the kitchen to prepare lunch for them.

"I guess Hufflepuffs sure aren't afraid of toil and they certainly are just..." Queenie thought.

Adeline lied back down on the blue chair and closed her eyes once more.

"Merlin, I could go for some french toast right about now." Adeleine thought

"Coming right up sweetie!" Chirped Queenie from the kitchen

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