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"Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise."

Freya snuggled her head further into her pillow. She doesn't think shes ever laid on anything so comfortable before, but it was weird. It was like her pillow was super warm and

Freya shot up but immediately groaned regretting that decision as she grabbed her head. Fuck. She shouldn't have drank so much.

She untangled herself from Mitch who groaned and reached out to grab her arm. She looked up at him, her memory was kinda fuzzy but she remembered some things.

She scoffs and yanks her hand from his and goes to the bathroom slamming the door closed. Mitch woke up and heard the shower start. He was confused. Why was she mad at him. He didn't do anything, even when they made out he didn't take advantage of her.

He got dressed and sat on the bed waiting for her to get out of the shower, and when she did he looked up at her, his eyes showing confusion.

Freya looked at him then rolled her eyes. "Oh come on Mitchy. Don't act like you don't know why I'm mad at you last I checked you were the sober one."

He gaped at her. She can't seriously be mad at him for what he did at the bar. He helped her. "I practically saved your life. So don't blame what happened on me. You were the one that wanted to go to the fucking bar in the first place."

Freya balled her hands at her sides in fists. "I was also the one that wanted to leave the bar when things got heated. But you just couldn't let it go. Whats with you huh? Why do you always have to prove that your the alpha male. Jesus Christ Mitch your ego is about the size of Texas!"

He scoffs at her, "My ego? My ego! Are you fucking kidding me! Do you even remember everything from last night."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "I remember the important parts." Freya turned going to walk out of the door when she heard something. A very faint buzzing sound somewhere in the room but she couldn't exactly pinpoint it.

Mitch went to say another snarky remark when Freya cut him off. "Mitch shut up." He fumed, "What the fu-" Freya turned around to look at him, and when Mitch saw just how scared she was he knew something was actually wrong.

"Frey? What is it?" She looked lost in thought and she asked him, "You don't hear that?" Mitch looked at Freya confused. "Hear what?" He went to take a step forward and Freya looked at him like he was crazy. "No no no! Mitch don't!" But it was too late. He already took the steps toward her and in a split second she grabbed him by his shirt and flipped them so they were behind a table as their whole room blew.

That's what she heard, it was a bomb. Freya looked up at Mitch, "Are you ok?" He only answered with a nod. Freya ran frantically getting their stuff and handing it to him. She also grabbed the only gun they had and gave it to him. "Go! Go across the street and get us a car I'll be there."

Mitch gave her a look, "I'm not leaving you here. Your gonna get yourself hurt!" Freya shook her head. "I'll he fine. That's why I'm giving you the gun. You'll probably take most of them out anyways now go!"

Mitch looked at her one last time before he got up and ran out. Freya was right he killed almost half of the men only leaving about for or five behind. Each time he hit his targets where he wanted, right between the eyes.

Freya got up and readied herself. She grabbed a hose and rapped part of it around her holding the other part in her hand. She then backed into the kitchen waiting by the the refrigerator.

When the first man came from around the corner Freya hit him in between the legs with the hose making him drop his gun. When he ran to grab it she wrapped the hose around his neck and pulled yanking him back.

She grabbed the pot off the stove and hit the next man in the arm making him drop his gun. She then hit him in the legs sweeping him off his feet and hitting him as hard as she could with the pot in the head, knocking him out.

When the third man came she lunged knocking him into the wall by the refrigerator then opening the top freezer door and hitting him in the head with it repeatedly. When she stopped he dropped to the floor. Freya then took the hose and wrapped it around her arm as quick as she could.

She heard voices and ran to jump of the terrace pulling the man with the hose around his neck with her. She landed on the ground hard when his body hit the terrace. She got up dusting off her clothes and proceeded to walk to the car she saw Mitch in.

When Mitch saw her he turned on the engine and sped to her seeing the two men that were trying to sneak up on her.

Freya felt their presence and quickly turned knelling and punching a man in the crotch and bringing his face to her knee. She then kicked the other guy in the gut then stomped on his face knocking him out. She was going to walk to the car when she heard a voice. His voice.

"Well done Freyanna. I've taught you very well."

Freya stopped in her tracks fear on her face. She slowly turned around and Mitch got out of the car trying to see what was bothering her so badly.

Freya crouched down to the man looking at his face when she heard the voice again. "Oh, come on Freyanna. What, your not happy to see me?" Her father was taunting her. She cleared her throat, "your supposed to be dead."

Mitch looked up at her and she looked at him, she was petrified.
"You're right I am supposed to be; however, I'm not. Now I suggest you wake the two men up and let them take you or I will send another bomb like that one to you. Don't think ?I won't Freyanna I'm no where near you and I don't care if your my daughter." He said the last word with such disgust it made Freya tremble, but she knew he was lying.

"Every man has a tell Freyanna." She quoted him, "Do you want to know what yours is?" She heard silence on the other line and continued, "You get this big surge of confidence, and your brows furrow, but you always make it seem like your not afraid to do anything when in reality your terrified. It's sad really." Mitch looks at her with admiration. He's staring to like this chick more and more.

"I'll bet your up in that tower right now furious because I managed to beat your little goons so quick. So tell me father am I wrong?"

"You listen to me Freyanna! I have your friend, the old one. Stan Hurley. Don't you think for a second I wont kill you, him, or your little boyfriend Mitch Rapp. You can't run from me! You don't think there's things that I didn't teach you?"

Freya cringed when he mentioned Mitch ans Stan's name, "And you don't think there's things I didn't learn on my own. I'm coming for you father. Your only going to find me when I want you to. But until then happy hunting." Freya stood up and grabbed Mitch's hand a smirk on her face knowing that what she said had made her father furious.

She slipped in the drivers side and sped off. She needed to get to her contact now and get her shit together.

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