The Prehistorical Era
This was before history we guessed was reality, before civilization was created, and heck, even before the language I speak before you was spread from Latin. Planet Mobius at this point was overgrown, swampy, and unclaimed. Nature flourished throughout the world. The world's creatures and terrains were free and wild at these times. The ones that roamed throughout this planet were the animals, the natives..., and the in between.
The civilization we point our eyes to were called "pre-echidnas". These were the first spiny, Mobian echidnas that roamed the globe, and were the echidnas to live the first generation of much more that has began through time.
During these times, civilization and place in society were important. The civil people lived by a lifestyle system. Males were to be sent to the warriors ground at the age of eight. The alphamales deemed worthy were sent into the warrior places. The weakest were sent into the making of the buildings and the tombs. Females were decided amongst the parents on whether or not they were to be sent to the battle grounds at 8 yrs. Those who went for it became one with the pack, and those others were put into training on how to be a mother and manage families.
Within these times, the tribe flourished, and continued to fight off intruding and attacking tribes, as the common folk lived peacefully where they would become the forgotten grounds of our time. But at this time, the pre-echidna race and their tribe reached their prime.
Avery The Echidna
Born from one of the finest of pre-echidnian warriors, Avery was a warrior at the age of 17. She was one of the well-respected, and most talented of the warrior pack. She was so far the youngest pre-echidna to excel from her training, and had no fear when it came to war. Fighting was within her veins. As the common folk would cover themselves -as they'd sweat in fear-, and try their hardest, she'd know that it was her brain that determined if she'd make it out or not.
But today, there was no need to prepare for war. Some days -like this day in history-, pre-echidna warriors went on what was called an expedition day. Expedition Days were days that warrior packs would be called out to expand outwards in multiple directions in order to scale out lands that seemed available and were deemed fit to expand their civilization. Today, all they needed were keen alertness for any traps, and hand-held weapons for any possible attack and/or defense necessary.
Today was it. Today marked the first day a female was capable to control a pack. As it'd take other new recruits a while to adapt to leadership status, Avery wasn't worried.
The echidna warriors got into their groups. They held back their energy for the signal to be let off. As soon as the signal echidna let off the signal, the groups spread out in packs, and they trekked into the depths of the swampy forests.
The swampy lands were quiet. The mossy water poured down the falling currents, pterodactyls roamed the blue skies, and the fungi covered grass was plain. Avery and her pack went on to walk alone. Suddenly, one of her men got speared by a thrown spear, and fell. His pain drained, and he became lifeless.
Avery's pack were in shock. The pack called down their nurse to check on the fallen warrior. But even they knew, they had unknown company. But Avery was one to resist. She stood into defensive position, and kept a rotary sight as to what attacked one of her men.
"Is he okay?" she asked in pre-echidna language.
"He's.. dead," the nurse spoke back.
She gave a sharper frown to hold back her tears. She didn't want to lose faith in her confidence. Nor did she want to present herself as a weak leader. Avery kept her place.
Lost Avery
AdventureA young, female echidna that had lived as a brave warrior in the start of their generation finds a gem that takes her to way past her time. Read Lost Avery to find out what will happen to Avery as she has thousands of years catching up to do.