Chapter 2

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Questions to Auster: What's the most important thing you've done this year?



The limousine pulled up to a beautiful mansion surrounded by expensive looking water fountains and plants.

How curious.

The driver, whose name Auster learned from the tag on his chest right above his heart, was Carlos. Carlos stepped out of the way-too long car, opened the door, and went to grab her things.

While he was doing that, Auster blankly stared at the mansion. It was gorgeous. It had ivory vines crawling all the way up to several windows, winding around the house. The flowers seemed to be endless around the mansion, with Lavender and white calla lilies surrounding the fountains, and vast colors of tulips scattered through the yard.

Auster was abruptly pulled from her thoughts, when a bag was placed beside her feet.

"Thank you" was all she said. With a nod in her direction, Carlos stepped inside the limousine and sped off.

Turning around to look at the door, Auster felt her heart jump in my throat. She didn't know anything about herself. Parents? A blur. Any other relatives? No idea. Auster Beldaire was a distant memory, like a dream that you knew you had and was good, but couldn't quite remember.

    When She knocked on the door, Auster was pleasantly surprised. A sweet, older looking woman had answered. She seemed to be every cliché grandmother, even had the plate of cookies and small glasses barely reaching the eyes.

"Welcome! I'm so excited to see you! It's been ages, honestly, I don't know what your parents were thinking running aaall the way to France and not even telling anyone, let alone their own mother-in-law and-" She seemed to realize she was rambling as she stopped herself before Auster was required to worry about her heart.

For such an old woman, she seemed to be able to talk for long periods of time.

Too long for Auster's patience.

She'd have to just do her best and be polite while avoiding her.

"It's nice to see you once again, it has been awhile." Auster didn't remember her. At all. And she didn't care.

"None of that, none of that. We're family! Unfortunately though, your uncle is away on business, so it'll just be you, me, and the faculty." With that, she walked away before stopping.

"Oh, and call me grandmama, the staff will show you to your room. I'm an old woman you know, not quite as sturdy as I used to be." Auster simply nodded while watching as she made her way around the corridor and out of sight.

Auster was immediately rushed inside with several people crowding around her, grabbing her bags, coat, gloves, even ripping her boots off.

A portly looking man led her up the stairs, addressed himself as the family butler, and she was to call him Chauncey.

How creative.

Auster set her things out on her bed, folding her clothes and placing them in the drawers. At least, she hoped they were her things.

The Twists and turns of Auster Beldaire Where stories live. Discover now