Chapter 3

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   Carlos drove away as soon as Auster gathered her things.


Auster was not your average teenage girl. Her fashion sense appeared to be entirely outdated, yet somehow it seemed to fit her perfectly. Auster Beldaire was an enigma within an enigma. With pale skin and Bright-whenever-she-felt-like-it grey eyes but a dull personality, she was sure to draw in attention not only mentally, but physically as well.

Or maybe, hopefully, she'd be able to ignore everyone and they'd get the message to leave her alone.

Was school over yet?

Looking at the old school building, she immediately cooled her face, straightened her shoulders, and walked around the massive crowd filled with pubescent teens.

Outside really wasn't that bad. If you could ignore the amount of beasts littering the beautiful grounds.

The building was ancient. It appeared to be anyways. The bricks seemed to barely hold it together. At least the area had trees big enough to climb and sit in.

Auster would sit there for lunch, she decided.

"And who on God's green earth are you?"

Auster looked straight ahead and walked to an empty seat with a window, ignoring the old woman trying to get her attention.

It was so beautiful outside. She'd even bet there were animals within the woods encasing the small town if she looked hard enough.

"-cuse me. Excuse me! Young lady-"   
She seemed to drone on and on. Auster had no choice but to look at her with dull eyes.

"Would you mind introducing yourself please miss?"  The woman trailed off, unsure as to who she was.

"Auster Beldaire. You may call me Auster or nothing at all." She stated her name so firmly, the old woman was shocked.

"Very well then....My name is Edith Gravewoods. You may call me Ms. Gravewoods or nothing at all." This woman thought she was funny. Auster didn't find this amusing. At all.

By the grace of God, Ms. Gravewoods finally came to her senses that she actually had a class to teach. Not just a strange girl to look at like she was an experiment.

Auster didn't want to acquaint herself with anyone here, but she supposed if she wanted to understand everyone's weaknesses incase emotional blackmail was required.....In other words: She had to step it up

Auster glanced around the room. Her shifting eyes seemed to probe and poke into the other students' very souls. This girl was strange. That was the only way to put it.


Who's that?

He seemed to be paying attention to the class well enough. He looked cliché. Auster hated clichés.

Or so she thought. His eyes immediately ran over her like water.

She looked away. And glanced back again with careless eyes, but she was interested. He seemed to know that, too. Whoever this man was, he was...ok. Auster would admit that.

She still hated human beings with a burning passion, but he was meh. This man wore a light blue denim jacket that enclosed what Auster thought to be muscles. He had a dark head of hair with gorgeous hazel eyes that seemed rather dull since they were trapped in hell right now.  His cheek and jaw bones were sharp. Too sharp.

Sharp enough to stab someone in the back most likely.

Auster wasn't taking any chances.

He was taking notes very diligently while glancing back at Auster.


Auster looked back out the window.

She had found nothing interesting to her after all.
It was lunch.

Auster Beldaire had officially made it through all of her classes, successfully avoided everyone-

Who is that?

Squinting her eyes, she saw to her delight:

A turtle.

Auster loved turtles, so she immediately picked him up and placed him in her bag.

Auster liked the name burp for the turtle. With that, she turned, immediately climbed into a nearby tree, and sat down.

While Auster and burp were munching on a sandwich made by Chauncey himself (Who knew he could cook?) a small blonde girl, almost shorter than Auster, appeared.

"Is that a freaking turtle? How the hell did you get him to stay still long enough for you to catch him?! I've been trying to catch one for years-" She ran into the tree.

"I picked him up"

The girl looked at her with wide eyes.


"Yes."  This was an odd conversation.

"This is burp." Auster proclaimed seriously.

The girl burst into giggles, Auster, sprouting a small smile.

Just a small one.

"My name is Olive rales."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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