Chapter 8: Dancing Machine(s)

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Kai's POV:
The other members and I were talking in the dorm while we were waiting for Sehun and Chanyeol to bring back this Lici girl. "Do any of you know what she looks like?" Yixing asks as we're sitting on the couches in the living room. I was excited to meet this girl, Chanyeol never showed us a picture but he talked about her all the time. She sounds amazing and I hope she'll be good friends with us all, however I think Chanyeol wants to be more (( ;) )). "No clue, we could ask Sehun to take a picture? That way we can see her!" Chen suggests excitedly before Baek hits his head "Pabo, do you know how creepy that is? I think this is the same girl from the Airport we saw him with a while ago.." Baek says and we all raise our eyebrows. "Ooh! I remember her!" I say happily, before a car pulls up the driveway we all make our way to the window to get a better look. I see Sehun and Chanyeol get out but then Chanyeol turns back and goes to the back door. Before anything could happen Sehun comes in with a small smile "Lici is a bit nervous to meet all of us, so Chanyeol is trying to calm her down. Also Kai, Lay, she might dance with us tonight if we can convince her!" He says excitedly and smiles wide. She danced? That makes me want to meet her even more! "I'll go help Chanyeol." We all watch Yixing go outside and a few minutes later a girl about 163cm (like 5'2ish in feet) is lead in with Chanyeol and Yixing. I think my heart just stopped at the sight of her, she was breathtaking and I could just stare at her all day. Of course I won't, that'd be creepy...but you get what I'm saying! As soon as the front door opens we all ended up yelling "LICI!!!" and running downstairs, probably startling the already nervous girl. Oh shit, she's more breathtaking up close, help me. We introduce ourselves and smile "h-hello.." she squeaks and I melt inside more, oh my god so cute! "Awww!!" Baek and I coo before enveloping her in our arms, this feels right. Hugging her feels right, I never want to let go. "Baekhyun and Jongin! You're scaring her!" Sehun, the maknae of all people scolds us before pulling her body to his. 'Bastard, I wasn't done hugging her yet..' I pout and roll my eyes. "What ever, also we're your elders you have to respect us!" I taunt and cross my arms, noticing Baekhyun nodding alongside me and smiling at Lici, who much to my disappointment had her face slightly hidden in Sehun's chest. Why does she feel comfortable around him? Why does everyone love him! "Hey Lici, sorry for scaring you..." I whisper and lightly put my hand on her shoulder "c-can I hug you?" I ask and gasp to myself when her wide hazel eyes look up into my brown ones. Slowly she moves out of Sehun's arms and into mine, immediately I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her tightly against me. This felt right, this was perfect...until I hear a scoff.

Baekhyun's POV:
I scoff a little bit when I see how tightly Kai was holding Lici, it wasn't fair! What if I also wanted to hug her? "Hey, we should all give her hugs...for scaring her that is.." I say quickly to make sure it didn't sound like I was jealous, which would be crazy...okay yeah fine I'm jealous, shut up. I glance at Chanyeol, Sehun and Lay, seeing them all glaring daggers at Kai...okay scratch that we all wanted to be in Kai's position it seemed. "I-I um, I don't think I can handle too many hugs right at this moment.." we all hear her soft, angelic voice cut through the tension in the room. Shortly after she talks she's let free and her cheeks were red. I had to resist the urge to run and hug her but damn did I want to! "So um, Sehun and Chanyeol said you guys have a dance studio in here? Can I see it?" She whispers and looks to the two who drove her here, Sehun and Chanyeol. "Yeah! I'll show you!" They boy say excitedly, Chanyeol racing to wrap his arm around her waist before guiding her to the dance studio. "Wait...why is he showing her? He can't even dance..." Chen says causing us all to laugh, he is the troll after all.

All boys POV:
Lici, I will make you mine...

Hi! Sorry these last two chapters haven't been good, I'm trying to get more POV's into this. Bare with me please, also thank you everyone who is reading this! It means a lot to me!!

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