Chapter 17: Suho's Date part 1

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Suho s POV:
It's been a week since Minseok took Lici on his date. Now I don't know how Lici thought of it but when he came home, he could not stop it can't have been bad. That means, I need to make my date with her even better than his! I get out my phone and text Lici 'Hey darling, do you want to go to Lotte World with me tonight?' Send. Okay now just to see if she'll say yes...god I hope she says yes. I feel my phone vibrate and look down 'I would love to Junmyeon! What time?' It was Lici, she said yes! '8, I'll pick you up.' Alright, I have 6 hours to waste. Maybe I should get her some flowers? No, that's stupid we're going on rides and stuff she'll have no where to put them...I'll win her stuffed animals! "Suho-Hyung, why're you talking to yourself?" Chem pops his head in my bedroom door with a smirk on his face. "Well um, I didn't think my thoughts were being vocalized at the moment..." I say honestly and sigh. "You're weird..." he mutters before leaving me alone again.

~~~~2 hours before the date~~~~
I laid out my outfit and stare at it. This is good right? Not too fancy but I'm not looking like a slob...I should shower maybe I smell...yeah I'll shower. I wonder if Lici is nervous too...

Lici's POV:
I'm so excited for my date with Suho! I love amusement parks and games and he's such a sweetheart but like...I'm really nervous too. I'm nervous for all of my dates with all of the boys honestly but Suho is my second date. I'm really excited though because...well Lotte World. I'm really happy he's not taking me anywhere fancy, I'd feel ashamed I can't afford anything. I don't want any of these boys to think I'm using them because I'm not. It still confuses me why they all like me...why me. I'm I'm not famous or thin or Korean or talented so why me? It just doesn't make sense.

~~~~~~Suho picking her up~~~~~

I hear someone knocking on my door and I wobble to answer. I open the door as I pull on my black converse. "H-hello Suho.." I whisper and smile up at him. Oh god he makes jeans look good...

AN: So sorry this is so short and took so long to put out. I've been really busy with work and college but bare with me I'm putting chapters out as often as possible. Thank you all for reading! Also thank you so much for 1k!

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