Chapter 12: First day

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3 months later
Lici's POV:
It's been three months since I've first met EXO, I've formed great friendships with all of the members at this point and I was really happy about that. Of course, I haven't seen them since but we stayed in contact through texting and Snapchat. If you're wondering also about the Choreographer first day is tomorrow. SM had to do back ground checks, drug tests, confidentiality agreements...blah blah blah and contracts so it took some time to get that all settled and figured out. But starting tomorrow and as of 2 weeks ago, I'm officially EXO's new choreographer. I'm really nervous but the boys have all been really supportive and seem excited to be working with me do hopefully it'll go well...but I've never properly taught anyone before. Especially people older than me and who are already famous! Sure I can dance, but oh my god I'm just nervous and I'm rambling alone in my apartment..."Lici!! Open the door!" I hear a high pitched voice yelling and pounding on my front door, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Minah?" I call and go to the door, looking through the peep hole to make sure I'm not opening the door to some random stranger. "Duh it's me, who else knows you live here?" Well...the boys know but they can't just show up, that would cause fans to take pictures and their and my privacy to be invaded. "Right.." I whisper and open the door for her to come in. "Hey, what're you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but you know what I mean..." I say and hug her before mstepping aside as she goes to sit on my couch, yeah sure just make yourself at home. "So Lici, where have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" Minah exaggerates, we literally saw each other like 2 days ago so clearly you can guess who the dramatic one in this duo's her if you didn't guess that. "Well I officially start my new job tomorrow? And um school is kicking my ass.." I admit and sit down next to her. To be honest ever since I met EXO I've been slightly slacking in my school work which wasn't good because that's part of the reason why I moved to South Korea in the first place. School first, then work, then friends and fun...but something tells me my work will soon become top priority. "Are you nervous to work with EXO? You know when they tour you'll have to go too...I'm so jealous of you Lici, I hope you can introduce me one day." Minah teases and hands me a peppero candy from her purse. "One day, I want to get adjusted first.." I giggle and eat the candy she gave me, she knew peppero always made me relaxed...that and bubble tea. ((Sehun ;) )) "Minah, what if I'm terrible? I-I've never taught adults and I'm really not that good of a dancer and like, what if they hate me once they get to know me more? Or or what if like, I get bullied?" I ramble and look down, I'm probably making myself more nervous thinking about these things but how can I not! "Lici, don't worry about all that. I highly doubt anyone could hate you once they get to know you. Sure you can be sarcastic and a bit blunt but hey not everyone is always happy. Even Chanyeol can have his dark moments! Oh and Kyungsoo? He's known as Satansoo so don't worry about being bubbly all the time. Just relax, everything will work out. Also shut the fuck up you're an amazing dancer and I will whack you next time you say you're not." Minah threatens and hugs me, she's truly my best friend. I'd be a lost cause without her. "I love you Minah, thank you so much." I hug back and sigh. The rest of the night we just talked, ate, watched movies and sang along terribly to BTS songs...yeah I'm an Army and an EXO-L, deal with it. I also like got7, fight me.

Time skip to the next morning, 2 hours before arriving at SM........

Minah ended up spending the night last night because by the time we'd calmed down from everything it was already 1am...thankfully I didn't have to be at work until 12pm otherwise I would be exhausted and totally under prepared for today. Today needed to be perfect, or well as perfect as possible! After my shower I go to put my hair up in two braided pigtails and my side bangs hanging out in loose curls. I put on some chap stick and mascara then my glasses then go to get dressed. I decide on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black tank top and red flannel top tied around my hips. "I have about an hour and it takes 30 minutes to get there...but I want to be early so if I leave now I can get coffee!" I mutter to myself as I walk around and look for my black converse. "Aha! Stupid shoes, can't just hide from me like that." I mutter tying them and then writing Minah a note before leaving for work. 'Went to work, make yourself at home but don't eat all of my peppero please. It's my last box. Wish me luck!' That's what the note said, in case you were wondering. Okay, so I have my coffee and a muffin and now I'm just sitting in my car outside of the building...get out of the car Lici. Just, open the door and go inside. Oh hey it's raining! Great! I love rain, not even being sarcastic. But why now on my first day? I didn't bring an umbrella..oy. 'Just open the door, make a run for it and explain why you're soaked...not too bad' I think to myself, but before I can go with my plan, my door opens and there stands Kyungsoo. "H-hey Lici! Why're you just sitting in your car?" He asks and holds an umbrella over the door for both of us. Oh D.O, you're my hero. "W-well honestly I-I forgot an umbrella and you just saved me from getting soaked. I'd hug you but I don't want to make you uncomfortable..." I ramble and stand close to him as we walk into the building. I couldn't help but be distracted by how close we were, how I could feel the heat of him radiating towards me and how I could smell his cologne.."god he smells good..." I think but then feel a strong arm around my waist and a deep voice in my ear whispering "you smell good too..". 'Ah fuck I said it out loud! Good job you idiot.'

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