Finally Meeting Everyone?

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Mey-Rin,"Sebastain would like for you to meet him by the center hall stairs, something important to tell you."
(Y/n),"Okay, I'll head there now."

(Y/n),"Hello Sebastain."
Sebastain,"Hello (y/n)."
(Y/n),"Mey-Rin said you wanted to tell me something."
Sebastain,"Yes. Help young master with his studies. You know some stuff about it?"
(Y/n),"I don't know, I didn't really go to school. I may know some things though. My siblings taught me some things."
Sebastain,"Yes before they left."
(Y/n),"I forgot you knew that."
Sebastain,"Let me show you to his study. Follow me."
Sebastain,"Here it is."
(Y/n),"Thank you Sebastain."
Sebastain,"Young master may be a bit hard to deal with."
You knock on the door.
Ciel,"You are?"
(Y/n),"I'm (y/n) (l/n), a maid here. Sebastain sent me here."
Ciel,"What are you doing here?"
(Y/n),"You hired me."
Ciel,"I didn't want anymore help."
(Y/n),"Well since I'm here, let me help you."
Ciel,"No, stay away."
(Y/n),"Ciel Phantomhive. I'm going to help you no matter what you say."
Ciel,"I don't need your help."
(Y/n),"You are going to get help."
You look at what he's working on.
Ciel,"You wouldn't understand."
(Y/n),"Then help me understand."
Ciel,"Why would I do that?"
(Y/n),"Because you need me in some type of way. Everyone needs some friends their age."
Ciel,"Who says I want friends?"
(Y/n),"You will die alone and not loved."
Ciel,"Why would you say that?!!"
(Y/n),"Family is your friends, you say you have no friends."
Ciel,"My family is dead."
(Y/n),"They're downstairs."
(Y/n),"Your servants. They speak very highly of you, they respect you, they seem like your family."
(Y/n),"No words huh? See, you love your family."
Ciel,"Do you want me to teach you this or not?"
(Y/n),"Ah! That made no sense what so ever."-pouts
Ciel,"Not to you it would've."
(Y/n),"So mean Ciel."
(Y/n),"Did you just say you're sorry?"
(Y/n),"Ciel Phantomhive, you just lied. That's not good on how to start a friendship."
(Y/n),"Yes, do you not want to know me?"
Ciel,"Y-yea I do."
Sebastain,"My lord, may I take (y/n) from you from a while? She needs to help Mey-Rin with cleaning."
You look at Ciel.
Ciel,"Uh. Bring her back."
(Y/n),"So you do want to hang out with me?"
Ciel,"Do you want me to change my mind?"
(Y/n),"I'm kidding. Can't take a joke."-leaves room
Sebastain,"Be careful with her my lord."
Ciel,"I know what to do Sebastain."
Sebastain,"Yes my lord."

Mey-Rin,"So what happened?"
(Y/n),"I had to help out Ciel with some stuff, that's it."
(Y/n),"Oh and Mey-Rin."
(Y/n),"I know you like Sebastain, try to flirt a little."-whispers
(Y/n),"You should though."
Finny,"Hi (y/n). I didn't see you this morning. What happened?"
(Y/n),"I had to help Ciel with something, Sebastain wanted me to."
Finny,"Oh. I'm glad to see you're okay."
Baldroy,"Uh, I have free time."
(Y/n),"I need to go clean the rooms."
Mey-Rin,"I'll do the hallways."
Baldroy,"Want help (y/n)?"
(Y/n),"Uh yes, it'll go faster."

Baldroy,"That took forever."
(Y/n),"Yea, that's what it's like cleaning."
Baldroy,"I liked talking to you. I got to know more about my fellow servant. It's really good to know your ally in war."
(Y/n),"Yup. I better go."
Baldroy,"Tending to the young master? Or he's having you play a game of chess?"
(Y/n),"Uh, I don't know. Probably chess."
Baldroy,"Alright, he's really good at chess and always wins, so don't get your hopes up."
(Y/n),"I don't know how to play."
Baldroy,"He'll teach you. Or we'll all teach you one day."
(Y/n),"Sounds like fun."
Baldroy,"You better go before the young master gets mad."
(Y/n),"Yea, bye Baldroy."
Baldroy,"See ya."
Sebastain,"(y/n), young master needs you."
(Y/n),"I'm coming. Is he in his study?"
(Y/n),"Thanks Sebastain,"
Sebastain,"You're welcome."

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