I'm Not Falling

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Mey-Rin,"Time to get up (y/n). We have to set the table for breakfast."

Finny,"Good morning (y/n)."
Finny,"You look really down today. Are you okay?"
(Y/n),"Yea I'm fine."
Just had a dream about my past life.
You help set the table.
Prince Soma,"It's so pretty out, we should head out today."
Agni,"We should Prince Soma."
Prince Soma,"The food looks awesome."
Finny,"um. young master."
Ciel,"What is it?"
Finny,"(y/n) looks sad today. Look, she's staring off into space."
Finny,"Do you think she could relax today?"
Ciel,"(y/n) can take a walk by herself then come and help with lunch."
Finny,"T-Thank you young master."
Finny,"Hey (y/n)."
Finny,"Young master said you can take a walk by yourself then come help with lunch."
Finny,"You look sad so I thought I'd ask could you relax some."
(Y/n),"Thanks Finny."
Finny,"You're welcome."
You walk silently away and head for the empty part of the manor.
Please don't show up.
Please don't show up.
You  quickly answer the phone.
"Hi. How is my precious daughter doing?"
(Y/n),"What do you want?"
"Did you do what I asked you to?"
(Y/n),"No. i need time."
"Don't sound sad about it. After it's done, I can take you to America. See you're siblings. The other ones, not the twins. The twins are doing something special for me."
(Y/n),"Yes dad."
"Good girl. I'll call you in a week. Remember trust me daughter. Bye, I must go."
He hangs up.
But I don't want to. I want to stay here. I hate doing these things.
You start to cry.
You run off into a room in the farthest corner.
And cry in a corner.
"Who are you?"
(Y/n),"Who said that?"
"Me, I'm Snake. Why are you back here? You should be in the front. Away from me."
(Y/n),"Why are you here?"
Snake,"I work here."
(Y/n),"I never saw you before."
Snake,"I know. Stay away from here (y/n), this is where I work. Go cry somewhere else."
(Y/n),"Why are you so rude?"
Snake,"You came into my space and I'm in a mood, you keep asking questions and won't shut up. Leave!!"
(Y/n),"Fine!"-you run out crying
Snake,"Great now I'm a part of her crying too."
You run out and into the garden towards the center in the back.
Mom. If you were here, I wouldn't be going through this mess. I'd be back home with my friend. I'd be getting bullied again. Dad would keep hitting me.
Why can't it go back to simplier times?
You cry more.
I want to go back. I want dad to hit me continuously instead of making me do these jobs. I'd run out and head over to my friend's house. Hang with her. Get beat up on the way home by them. Mom cook me a dinner and sings me a lullaby while I go to sleep. Dad is drunk the next day and takes me to my friend's house. Dad would beat up the bullies. Mom and I laugh and share jokes at dinner. The twins wouldn't be out making money by selling their bodies. Dad would go and look for them and beat up anyone who would harm them. Then come home and hit me saying it was my fault if they got hurt. Mom shake her head at me saying she was disappointed at me.
I miss it.
"What are you doing out here? Are you okay?"
You run away and back into the manor into the basement where your old bedroom is.
You sit in the tub and cry.
"Hello. (y/n), you are crying. Young master can wait I suppose."
(Y/n),"You're not going to ask what's wrong?"
"No. I don't care."
(Y/n),"That's rude Sebastain."
Sebastain,"Are you going to tell me?"
Sebastain,"Then there was no use asking. Are you almost done?"
(Y/n),"What does Ciel want?"
(Y/n),"I don't want to play."-sniffles
Sebastain,"You have to go before he gets mad."
(Y/n),"Tell him you didn't find me."
Sebastain,"I can't say that. I always find everyone."
You get up and blow your nose.
Sebastain,"Mind telling me who was on the phone?"
Sebastain,"Everyone was in the dining room when the phone went off, and it was answered. Snake doesn't pick up the phone."
(Y/n),"Wrong number."
Sebastain,"Hm. Rinse your face to make your eyes less puffy. Then head up to my lord's study. I'll tell him you're coming."-leaving
I can't say no, that'll make me look suspicious.
Okay, ready yourself.
You rinse your face and head up.
You knock on the door.
Ciel,"Come in."
(Y/n),"You wanted me?"
Ciel,"Yes. Want to play a game of chess?"
(Y/n),"Don't you have visitors?"
Ciel,"They went out on the town. Come play."
Ciel,"Leave us Sebastain."-he leaves
You two play chess.
Ciel,"Check mate."
Ciel,"I was going easy on you."
Ciel,"Want to go for a walk?"
Ciel,"Follow me."
Ciel leads you out to the garden and on an empty old trail.
Ciel,"Now tell me what's on your mind."
(Y/n),"I'm good."
Ciel,"Tell me now."
(Y/n),"I'm not going to just do whatever you say Ciel."
He looks mad then kisses you.
(Y/n),"What were you trying to accomplish? I'm not just going to do what you want by you kissing me."
He pulls you onto an bench and kisses you.
You kiss back.
He puts his arm around your waist and one on your cheek.
You hold his shirt collar and deepen the kiss.
He lays you back on the bench and has his hand on your waist while the other stays on your cheek.
You stop for air and Ciel bites his lip.
You bite yours and he kisses you again.
He sticks his tongue in your mouth and you two french kiss.
You turn your head and Ciel kisses your neck.
(Y/n),"You should get back to work."
Ciel,"You should get back to work and satisfy me."
(Y/n),"heh what?"
He stops kissing your neck and looks you dead in the eye.
Ciel,"I'm your master. I say kiss me."
(Y/n),"Make me."
Ciel,"Fine then."
He kisses you and you kiss back.
You then scoot off the bench and onto the floor.
(Y/n),"I have actual work to do."
(Y/n),"I better get back to work."
You stand up to leave and Ciel grabs your wrist.
Ciel,"What ever is bothering you, are you okay?"
(Y/n),"Yea, I'll be better tomorrow."
Ciel,"Okay. You can leave now."
You leave.
Sebastain,"You do realize you're enagaged to marry lady Elizabeth. Yet you've fallen for (y/n), my lord."
Ciel,"I'm not falling."
Sebastain,"Whatever you say my lord. She was right, you do have work to do."
Ciel,"Tell no one about this. This is an order."
Sebastain,"Yes my lord."
Ciel, This is all your fault. I could've spent the rest of my life without her and not falling.
Sebastain, Things have gotten interesting. I wonder if she's going to try to rob us like her father wants her to. Hope she does, I wonder how Ciel would react.
Baldroy,"Are you feeling better (y/n)?"
Mey-Rin,"I haven't sent you since this morning, h-"
Finny,"WHO MADE YOU CRY??!!"
Finny,"I saw (y/n) in the garden earlier and she was looking down and ran away. Who hurt you?? I'll make them hurt for you."
(Y/n),"No one. Just miss my family."
Finny,"It shouldn't make you cry like that. Stop lying to me. What is wrong (y/n)?"
(Y/n),"It's nothing."
Mey-Rin,"Finny, (y/n) doesn't want to talk about it."
(Y/n),"I will if I'm in danger."
Finny,"Why can't you tell me? I want you to feel better. Like how big brothers are supposed to."
Baldroy,"(y/n) was crying a lot??"
Baldroy,"(y/n) what's wrong. Tell us, we can make it better."
(Y/n),"I'm good."
Mey-Rin,"Stop asking questions. Let (y/n) have her space and when she's ready to tell us she'll tell us. Or at least someone who will listen."
I can't tell any of you.
(Y/n),"Let's get back to work. Prince Soma should be coming back soon and want something to eat."
Servants,"Good bye Prince Soma and Agni."
Prince Soma,"Goodbye!!"
Agni,"Good bye."
Sebastain,"Have safe travels."
Agni,"We will."
Prince Soma,"See you another day Ciel!"
Ciel,"Goodbye Prince Soma."
They leave.
Ciel,"I'm heading to bed."
Sebastain,"Yes my lord. Servants clean up."

You lay in your bed and hear a knock on the door.
You crack it and see who it is.
Ciel,"Let me in."
You open the door.
(Y/n),"What do you want?"
Ciel,"I don't know."
(Y/n),"So you don't know why you came here?"
(Y/n),"Tell me when you know."
(Y/n),"So leave. I'm tired."
Ciel,"Hang on I'm thinking."
(Y/n),"No, you're staring at me."
Ciel,"Can't help it."
(Y/n),"W-What were you thinking on your way here?"
Ciel,"To see you."
(Y/n),"So you came here to see me?"
Ciel,"Goodnight."-he kisses you
(Y/n),"Goodnight y-young master."
Ciel,"Master is fine."-he leaves
You lay down again.
Did he just?

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