You Aren't Paying Attention To Me!!!

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So it's been two years. You and Ciel are sixteen now.
Ciel has been ignoring you.
"Hello everyone!!"
Ciel,"Great you're here."
"You aren't glad to see me?"
Ciel,"No, leave Alois."
Alois,"No. Claude and I are here just for the night."
Sebastain,"Would you like for them to leave the premises my lord?"
Ciel,"Don't let them get in my way."
Alois,"Who is that cutey?"-he looks at you
Sebastain,"A maid."
Alois,"Her name?"
Ciel,"You don't need to know."
I can mess with Ciel.
(Y/n),"I'm (y/n)."
Ciel,"(Y/n) go get a plate for Alois."
Alois,"Thanks Ciel, I didn't eat."
Claude,"Hello Sebastain."
Sebastain,"I didn't want to deal with you today, looks like I am."-sighs
Alois,"Thank you for the plate (y/n)."
Ciel glares at Alois and he smirks.
Alois,"I say that this food is delicious. Claude doesn't cook this good."
Claude,"Thank you sir."
Alois,"(y/n), come hang out with me?"
(Y/n),"Uh yes."
Alois,"Come on, let's go."
He leads you to his room and sits on his bed while you close the door.
Alois,"I know I don't know much about you, but you're attracting me I don't know why."
(Y/n),"Where you never around girls your age?"
Alois,"Nope, I had to have sex with grown men."
(Y/n),"Oh my god."-freaking out
(Y/n),"N-Nothing. Nothing."
Whaat the hell?
Alois,"So I don't understand this at all."
(Y/n),"I can help you understand, but I'm not going to do it with you. Someone else can, not ready my age."
Alois,"Okay. What do we do?"
I guess we can make out like me and Ciel. Hope he walks in.
(Y/n),"I know a better place to do this."
Alois,"Ciel's room."
(Y/n),"I was just thinking that."
That'll teach him to ignore me for a month.
Alois,"Then let's go."
You lead him to Ciel's room.
Ooh Ciel will be so mad.
Alois sits on the bed and you close the door.
You walk over and sit on the bed next to him.
(Y/n),"So have you ever kissed someone, a girl I mean."
Alois,"You will be my first girl."
(Y/n),"Hm. Okay. I will try make this good. Hopefully you won't sleep with grown men anymore. At least men your age please."
Alois,"Hopefully." Shut up and kiss me.
Alois,"KISS ME NOW!!"
(Y/n),"So demanding."
Alois,"You are taking too long!"
(Y/n),"Then kiss me."
Alois,"I will."
He leans over and kisses you.
(Y/n),"Why did you stop?"
Alois,"Your lips are sweet, like candy."
(Y/n),"You want more?"
He kisses you and you kiss back.
You wrap your arms around his neck and he lays you back on the bed.
He pulls you up higher on the bed and sticks his tongue in your mouth.
He puts his hand up the back of your shirt. You move and he pulls his hand out.
He pulls up your leg about to pull you up the bed more.
Alois gets off of you and sits up and smiles at Ciel. You sit up.
Alois,"Hi Ciel!"-smiles and waves
Ciel,"GET OUT!!!"
Alois,"Me or (y/n)?"
Ciel,"GET OUT ALOIS!!!!"
Alois,"Why are you so mad? I'll leave then. See you later (y/n)."
Ciel,"No you won't!"
Alois leaves out and winks at you.
Ciel,"What were you two doing?"
(Y/n),"What did it look like we were doing?"
Ciel,"I thought you were mine."
(Y/n),"Oh I'm yours? You should've told me before you ignored me for a month."
(Y/n),"There's no explanation for that. I talked to you, you said 'uh huh' or 'what ever' or just blantly disregarding me. Then walked I away. I don't care what you were doing, that was just rude."
Ciel,"I'm sorry."
(Y/n),"No, sorry isn't going to cut it."
Ciel,"What will?"
(Y/n),"First, you pay attention to me. Second, you forget what happened here. Third, you come here."
Ciel,"Done, done, and here I come."-walks over to you
Ciel,"What do you want?"
(Y/n),"You really change around me don't you?"
Ciel,"Yea, I hear myself speak."
(Y/n),"Shush. Now I forgot what I was about to say."
Ciel,"What was going to happen after that?"
You grab his collar and kiss him.
He picks you up and carries you up on the bed.
You wrap your arms around his neck and he sticks his tongue in your mouth.
He starts to kiss your neck and you undo his eye patch.
He looks at you.
(Y/n),"That's so cool. How did you get it?"
Ciel,"Uh, something happened to me."
(Y/n),"Come on tell me."
Ciel,"One day."
Ciel,"On my nineteenth birthday."
(Y/n),"Pinky swear?"
Ciel,"Pinky swear."
You two pinky swear.
He starts to put on his eye patch.
(Y/n),"No don't it's hot."
Ciel,"I-I don't know."-blush
You kiss him.
He deepens the kiss and y'all make out.
This is working out well.
I have him wrapped around my finger.
Alois,"Hello (y/n)."
(Y/n),"Hello Alois."
Alois,"Ciel is kicking me out, again."
(Y/n),"How many times have you been kicked out?"
Alois,"A lot actually. So."
He kisses you.
Alois,"Good bye."-walks off
Finny,"Did he just kiss you?"
Finny,"Wash your mouth. He's dirty."

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