Chapter 7

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 Christina's POV

Wow, I had never ever heard my Dad scream at me like that. I really wondered what was going on with him. I decided not to play on luck but to go home immediately. I had no choice if I ever wanted to set foot out our door. 

"That was my Dad, I really have to go now", I told Luke with a lot of sadness.

"Oh, really? It was just getting so nice..." he said with a sad look on his face.

"Yeah, I know. But I'll text you or call you whenever I get home okay?" 

"What? You think I'm not taking you home?" 

"I'll take the subway, it's no biggie", I told him with a smile.

"I am taking you and that's final", he said firmly. He really was a gentleman.

I took my purse and we went straight out the door.

"You want to say bye to the guys?" he asked me.

"No, I'll see them soon I hope", I smiled at him.

He took my arm and we walked to the elevator. We got in and we just stood there again.

"Elevators really are awkward places, aren't they?" Luke said, laughing nervously. 

"Yeah, you never know what to say to the person standing next to you!" 

When we got downstairs he lead me through the main entrance and back to the car. It was right there where we had left it. It felt like such a long time ago. I got in and Luke closed the door behind me. Then he got in himself. 

"I really had a super great time tonight, thanks to you", he told me softly.

"Aww, me too. You're just like I always imagined, but better", I told him with a weak smile.

"Better? Really?" he asked me confused.

"Yeah, you're really cool. I am glad I got to meet you."

"Well, me too. I have never met anyone like you." He gave me a wink.

We sat there for the rest of the drive. I was looking outside my window and saw New York flashing by. New York at night was really something. This really was the city that never sleeps. Everyone was walking around and going to get food and stuff. The good thing was, you could get food at any time of the day or night. Everything was always open. That was something I always loved about this city. We got to my place way too soon. Luke got out and opened my door.

"For you", he said with a hand gesture. 

"Thanks Mr. Hemmings, how kind of you!" I told him formally.

He walked me to my door. We stood there just staring at each other. 

"I guess this is goodnight then", he told me with a little smile. "Thanks again for today." 

"It's nothing. Goodnight Luke. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Okay." He leaned down to give me a little peck on the cheek. 

That felt amazing. I never experienced anything like it. His lips were so soft and warm and his piercing was so cold to the touch. I loved it. I hugged him and he walked off. 

I got inside not knowing what was going to hit me.


Luke's POV

This really had been the best night of my life. No one could make me feel this way. But leaving her was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I walked away from her to my car and got in. I watched her go inside and then I left. I went over the night again. Nothing could've gone more perfect. Except for that last part in my room. I should've kissed her. But I only knew her for a day. Wasn't that a bit weird? Next time I'd kiss her. 

I got to the hotel again and saw a lot of girls standing in the main entrance. I decided to park my car in the back. This was for security measures. We could always go around the back to get inside. No one could see us there. Once I got there everything was so quiet. I sometimes loved no sound at all. It made me feel peaceful for a change. It reminded me of home. Where we lived in the suburbs and nothing ever really happened. Sometimes I wanted to go back so much, but this was my life now. The boys were my family. Even the fans were family now. I got to live my dream because of them. I would be forever grateful. And they knew this. I went up the stairs and got to my room. It was too empty without Chris being here. I didn't know what to do. My sheets even smelled like her. Was that weird? I hope not. I decided to go to the lounge room instead. When I got there all the boys were playing COD. I didn't want to join in so I just sat on the couch. 

"So Luke, where's Chris?" Ashton asked me during the game.

"Oh, she had to leave, it was getting late for her", I told him not paying attention.

I was looking at my phone all the time. I was hoping she's sent me a text soon so we could call or skype or something. 

"Dude, you should stop staring at your phone like that. She isn't going to text you sooner if you look at it the whole time. Play a little with us!" Mike said laughing. 

"Kay, give me a controller", I told him.

We played for a bit but I got bored halfway through.

"You're not going to quit on me now Hemmings! I know where your penguins are!" Cal screamed. 

"Wow, you're not touching them!" I yelled back.

"Yes I am if you quit now!" 

So I played a bit longer to please them. It has been 2 hours since I dropped her off at her place. What could take so long? She hadn't texted me or called or anything, really. This wasn't okay. Maybe she didn't like me anymore. Or she didn't like our date and she just wanted to be friends. Maybe she didn't feel like talking to me. But 2 hours ago she said she'd text me right away. I didn't get it. Why were girls so hard? Should I text her first? So I did.

"So whatcha doin'?" I asked her. 

A few hours later I still didn't receive anything. The guys were laughing at me because I worried so much. They said it was nothing. She'd probably fallen asleep. I'd get a message in the morning. And for now I just had to relax. But maybe I needed Chris to relax now. She made me so peaceful. She was special. So I went to my room and got to sleep. I put my sound on so I could hear it when she texted me. And I could answer right away. I smelled the sheets and still her scent was here. I loved it. She smelled like lavender and candy. It was a strange combination but it worked for me. I fell asleep really fast. Faster than I ever could've imagined.

(next morning) 

I got up and looked at my phone. Still no answer. I wondered what was taking her so long. It was already 11 am. She should've been up by now. So I called her. She didn't pick up, so I tried again. I tried several times, but still no answer. What was going on here? Why? I went to the lounge again and the guys were already sitting there.

"Hi mate! Has she texted you back yet?" Cal asked me.

"No, I even tried calling her. She didn't pick up", I told him sadly.

"What? That's weird. Why do you think that is?" 

"I don't know. Maybe she didn't like last night at all", I told Cal. 

He looked up at me with a smile. "Luke, we could all see she liked it. She liked you! The only question is: What are you still doing here?"

"Where should I go?" 

"To her place of course! To see what's going on?" 

"Isn't that intruding?"

"Naah man, just go already!"

I got up and went back to my room. I decided to put some fresh clothes on and ran downstairs. I had to see her and check up on her. Cal was right. She seemed in to me last night. This was worth it. I went to my car and hopped in. I drove like a maniac. Good thing there wasn't much traffic, which was strange for New York. This almost never happened. So I counted myself lucky, like the stars were watching me. I finally got to her place and parked the car. I went to the door and knocked. 

"Hello-" said a voice, before it broke off.

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