Chapter 8

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Christina's POV

I heard my Dad talking to someone downstairs. I went to listen through the door. I wasn't allowed outside my door but I could still hear everything he said to the person at the door.

"Well, you have some nerve showing up here", he said to the person.

"Sir, sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. If I could just see Chris-" 

"No, she is busy", my Dad told him.

"Please sir, I need to talk to her", I heard the voice say. Wait, I knew that voice. That was Luke! What the hell was he doing here? He had no business being here. 

"No, she is grounded. She can't come to the door. Please go away."

I pulled open my door and rushed downstairs. I saw my Dad standing in the doorway and Luke on the other side.

"I thought I told you to stay in your room", Dad told me. 

"Yes, but Dad please let me explain something to Luke", I asked of him.

"You have 5 minutes, then it's back to your room", he told me.

"Thanks Dad."

I went over to Luke. We stepped outside and walked to his car. He just looked at me in awe.

"Well, what's going on here?" he asked.

"Uhm, I kinda got grounded for the other night", I told while looking at my shoes. 

"Why on earth? Were you out too late?" 

"No, they saw something on a site. Someone took a picture of us. And my parents kind of hate boys who are in a band", I whispered. 

"Oh, that sucks, sorry", he told me. 

"Nah, it's my fault. Should've told them I was going on a date."

"You didn't tell them you were going on a date?"

"Nope, told them I was going to see Sarah, but never went." 

I smiled nervously. He took a step towards me and put his arms around me. He was hugging me now. And it was the best hug I'd ever had. It was warm and felt safe. Like no one could hurt me in here. And we stood here for the rest of our time. I rested my head against his chest. He was so tall. And he rested his chin on my head. I really liked this. 

 "Christina, get back inside, now!" I heard Dad yell.

"So I can't have my phone or laptop, sorry I didn't text you.." I told Luke while pulling out of the hug.

"I figured as much when I was talking to your dad", he told me with a smile.

"I'm getting it back tomorrow. So I'll text you then? And don't be mad if I don't, that means I don't have my phone back yet", I told him so fast. 

"Sure, babe. I know now, but I was worried a lot", he told me, looking into my eyes.

"Ohh, sweet, but I have to go, bye Luke!" I kissed him on the cheek and went back inside.

I closed the door and felt so relieved. He was worried! So sweet. Now he knew why I hadn't texted him or anything else. My dad was furious when I got home and told me to give up my phone and laptop. He was being a dick. He was like that a lot these times. I did not get why, but he was my Dad so he could punish me whenever he felt like it I guess. 


Luke's POV

Christina was alright. She didn't hate me, she had just been punished by her parents. For being seen with me. That was a first. I guess they really didn't like me, huh. That had never happened to me before. I didn't know what to think .The only thing I could think about was Chris. I liked her a lot. I had proven that to myself today. Going by her house was risky, but it was worth it. She was worth it. She was worth everything I did. Even to myself. She really made me fall, by doing absolutely nothing at all. 

I decided to go back to the guys. They would help me get my mind of her, again. So I wouldn't think about tomorrow and all the things we could talk about. All the things I could tell her that no one knew about me. I mean only the guys knew them. She was no ordinary girl. So when I got in the lounge room all the boys were all over me.

"So CASANOVA, how did it go?" Calum yelled. 

"She just got punished by her dad, tomorrow she'll have her phone back", I told him with a big smile.

"OOOOOOOH!" They all yelled. They were such little children. But then again so am I. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!" I laughed with them. 

"Lukey is in woooove!" Michael screamed.

"SSSHHHHTTT we're going to get complaints from the neighbours!" I yelled back, not wanting to admit anything. 

"Luke, we ARE the neighbours.." Mikey laughed. 

"Whatever man.." I told him before turning away.

We went and sat down on the couch. We decided to play a bit of COD while we waited to go to bed again. We really did not have anything else to do around here. In a week or so we would be going to LA to finish writing and recording for our album that was coming out soon. The fans had waited a long time for this, but it was coming. In a week there would be no more Christina. I had to make my move soon so we wouldn't have to be apart. And we were back to the topic of Chris. I had to let this go for tonight. 

The game was over so I decided to go on the internet and check my twitter. Maybe there were fans I could make happy today. We really get a lot of tweets from a lot of fans. It's insane to answer every single one of them, so I do like 5 a day. It's not enough, but it's something. They all want a follow back, but we just can't do them all. I always pick out the special ones. The ones that mean something. It takes a lot of time. 

After doing that I typed my name into Google. I got linked to a lot of people. But then there is this picture of me and Christina laughing while walking. And another one at the ATL concert. I looked at us closely. We really seemed happy in those. The title was: "Mystery girl wins Luke's heart?" Wow they were really taking this far. Her dad saw these pictures and punished her for seeing me. Sometimes I wish I wasn't famous. For these kind of things. But on the other hand, being this famous had its perks. And I loved the fans, they are family. I would never let them down. I decided to read the article.

"Luke Hemmings has been spotted with this girl over the course of the last days. They met at the All Time Low concert and seem to have become friends. They have been spotted on their way to the theatres and with the other band members. Is he already introducing her? Is she winning his heart? We have a witness who states that they have become really close and laugh so much when they are together. He seems happy with her. After all he has been through, is she the girl? The girl he would do anything for? The girl we all want to be? Admit it. It seems she is a fan just like us. And they just met. Is this fate? I don't know.. I just want our penguin to be happy and if she does that for him all I have to say is: GOOD LUCK you two!" 

Wow, didn't see that one coming. This girl was really sweet. And not a bad word of Christina in there. See, this is why I love our fans. They just want the best things for us. And they knew that if I'm happy they would be happy too. Of course you have those fans who hate every girl who even comes near us, but those weren't real fans. They are just fakers who don't appreciate us for who we are. Our fans are our world. I supported them, they supported them. Real bands save fans, real fans save bands. That's our motto! Like Hakuna Matata. 

Next I decided to look up Christina's profile on twitter. I typed in Christina Henderson. There was only one and she was following me. I decided to follow back and look at her posts. She posted me and the guys a lot, but no one ever answered. She had a lot of followers. And her posts were really funny. Also she had a lot of friends who she talked with on twitter. Mostly about how they loved her. And about us, of course. They asked her if she had a preference and she said 'Lukey, he is totally my type'. Oh that was nice to hear. I liked where this was going. She posted a lot of pictures of us. And some selfies. She really was beautiful. In every single picture she was. There were some nice ones of me and the guys too. 

Then I decided to check on Vine. She had some video's. Mostly of her singing or freaking out on our songs. It was cute to look at. She also had youtube with a lot of covers. Not only our songs but Boys Like Girls, Good Charlotte, Blink 182, All Time Low... All the bands we loved. And apparantly she loved them too. She really sang so well! I had to sing with her! I friended her on facebook with my personal account and followed her on Vine. I subscribed to her on youtube and followed her on Instagram. I wanted to know everything there was about this girl. 

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