Part Human and Part Troodon (Extreme Dinosaurs story info)

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Name: Abbigali *Raptor* Jackson

Age: early 20's

Race: human/troodon

Personality: Shy, keeps to herself most of the time, motherly, protective of those close to her, sneeky, quiet, trickster and sometimes bubbly

Human Appearance: Slightly messy red hair that goes down to her knee's, shiny amber colored eyes, slightly paled skin, slim/average body statue, round shaped face, long lean legs and a scar that starts at the top of her head and does a curve to her ear on the right side of her face

Dinosaur Apparance: Same as human appearace except she looks like a Troodon (Think of the Troodons from the show Dinosaur Train except that she's like the dinos/raptors from Extreme Dinosaurs)

Likes: Night-time, fish, fruits, veggies, candy, reading, running, helping people out, training, swimming and any creature

Dislikes: Hunters, really bright lights, the scientest that tested on her, bad guys, people hurting others for no reason, people judging her and not having any food

Abiliets: Can turn into her Troodon form at will, keen eyesight, can see in the dark, good sense of smell, pretty fast, pretty strong, good stamina and other stuff will be mentioned later on in the story

Family: Will be mentioned later in the story

(Background story):

When Abbigail wasn't even born, scientest managed to get Troodon DNA and implanted into a woman who at the time knew she was expecting a child.

Once born, they found out that Abbigail could turn into both a Troodon and a Human. Then they started to keep watch over her for years. They *home-schooled* her and found that her IQ was really high and she passed through all of the test.

Then when Abbigail found out what the outside life is like, she finally had enough and broke out of the lab and ran away.

They never found her when she escaped and Abbigail stays away from humans. But goes near them if they are in trouble or need help.

She's pretty shy and lives in caves, woods or anywhere that Abbigail can get food at with ease while having an area that no one ever goes to so she could turn into her Troodon form.

Part Human and Part Troodon (Extreme Dinosaurs story info)Where stories live. Discover now