Chapter one, Others like me?

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Raptor, that's not my middle name nor my first or last name. But it was more of a nickname for what I was born as, as a raptor, but not any old raptor. No, I was born as part troodon making me a *succese* to science.

But that's not what I thought of it at all, because of how I grew up for a part of my life before I escaped. I knew that I would be safe because the ones that turned me into a troodon wouldn't want to get caught by the goverment if they found out. And I was pretty good at hidden.

Now some would think that because I'm part troodon, I would look more like one. Which is kinda true because my eyes are an un-natural golden yellow and I'm a little taller than most girls.

And the good thing is, I can turn myself into a troodon and still turn back into my *normal self*. But I still hide from everyone and only come out at night to get what I need from any town that I'm close to.

Now after a long tim, I've found a pretty decent home that's far from the nearest town, close to a lake & river, many caves/hills and a good number of plants/grass. I've lived in this area for a good number of years and I've managed to make a decent home inside one of the big caves with stuff that I've *aquired* from over the years, including a radio and tiny handheld tv.

It was a nice decent morning in the Navada desert and I was enjoying my morning hot-spring bath. Which I was lucky to have found one when I first found my home.

'Ah this is the life.' I thought to myself as my eyes was closed gently while the warm water passed over my body and over my tail. Of course I'm in my Troodon form at the moment since I feel safe that no one will find my home that I can be in that form.

My life had been a mess since I was born. Treated like some lab-rat and I was glad that I was able to run away from it.

But while I was taken my bath, the tv channel that I had on changed for a moment and I didn't notice until I heard a strange voice.

*Fellow Raptors! The time has come to rise up and join us to take over this world!* The voice said and I opened my eyes. The voice sounded commanding and strange for some reason.

At first I thought that it was just a stupid show and when I was going to change it, I stopped when I saw the sceen.

What I saw surprised me greatly. There was someone or something that looked like a raptor and was talking to the camera. I returned back to my human form & continued to watch to see if I could tell if it was just a joke.

But nothing that I could see told me that who ever they are, those are not costumes and I felt joy swelling up inside of me.

"People like me?" I said aloud as I pulled myself out of the water and dried myself off quickly and put on my black top and green shorts before I grabbed my own phone that I fixed so no one would trace it.

The tiny sceen showed a number to call the station and I wanted to get answers of where they are at. And hopefully find out where they are at.

'Please be like me.' I thought to myself as I heard a phone pick and a different voice from the one on the tv answered. *What questions do you have?* It sounded almost like this one could be the smart one just by the way that he talked.

"What is you're location?" I asked and there was a silence and I turned the volume off the tiny tv just incase.

(End Abbigail's pov)


(Spittor's pov) 

*What is you're location?* This caller asked and it sounded like a woman. But her question was different than the others that have called asking if we was really and would send us money to prove it.

I covered the phone for a moment and said to Bad Rap, "Hey boss, I have a caller that want's to know where we are at."

"Ask if they are a raptor and if they saw yes then tell them." Bad Rap said to me and I uncovered the phone to ask the question.

"Are you a raptor then?" I asked and there was only a short pause before the caller said, *Would a Troodon count?*

Now I was surprised to hear the caller saying that. Having a Troodon on the team could be great help in defeating those pesky dinosaurs. I smirked at the thought of that.

Then I told the caller the location of the station and they said thanks before hanging up. I put the phone down and said while still grinning, "We got our first new recuit." And I proceeded to tell Haxx and Bad Rap about the caller.

(End Spittor's pov)


(Abbigail's pov)

I felt glad that I may have found others that are like me and while I was putting my black running shoes in my small bag as I put on my glasses to cover my eyes.

I felt like running bare-foot today since I would be using my Troodon feet to get there faster. I tossed my cape around me which was a dark brown color so I could hide better.

Turning off the tv and putting my long red hair in a ponytail, I slowly stepped out of the cave and looked around before I started my run for the station.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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