Chapter 1

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     Liza's phone rang. It didn't surprise her or make her anxious. It didn't send thoughts through her head of who it could be. Her phone rang all to often making her sigh that it was ringing again.

    She picked up her phone and plastered a smile on her face even though she was alone in a motel room. She was an amazing actress. She has to be in the line of work that she did. She knew that a smile on her face would make her sound happy that someone rang her again. She was all about strategy and this one was useful.
"Hello, Liza Proctor speaking. How can I help you today?" She chirped happily into the phone. She said the same line every time someone called.

    "Yeah, uh, it's Dave, I have an issue I need help with." Dave said casually into the phone. Liza has worked with Dave many times before but for some reason he sounded different this time. He was a very kind man that often got himself into trouble which is where Liza comes in. She helps people out with their problems and never leaves them unsatisfied.

    "Hello Dave." She said politely. He was her biggest client. And she was glad it was him. He was very nice and easy to work with.

    "What's the problem today." She said walking over to the bed in the tacky motel she was staying in. It had pastel and floral everything. But it was not as bad as some other rooms she had stayed in in the past. To be honest it wasn't that bad. Just sore on the eyes.

    "Well I'm not a hundred percent sure this time. This one is a bugger." He said sounding frustrated.

    "Okay where ya at, Dave?" Liza said. She had no other jobs on the go so she could quickly go and get this one done. Then change motel rooms and get a drink. Easy. Dave always had normally easy jobs for her and he was good to work with so she just wanted to get this done.

    "It's on the corner of 504st and Lukase drive." He said.
"Really Dave? Lukase drive? You know that that's a sketchy street. Are you just looking for trouble? Do you miss me?" She said starting to make fun of Dave.
She laughed and he did to. She could hear it through the telephone line.

"Well I found a good deal on this place and it's absolutely gorgeous. The architecture is amazing. I'm excited for you to see it." He said getting really into the place. He must be excited about it so it must be worth the inconvenience that's sending Liza down there.

    "Gotcha. I'll be there in less than an hour." Liza said after writing down the address.

    Sure enough 45 minutes later Liza's dark brown boots that only went a few inches above her ankle were walking on the creaking deck. It was a dark color from being washed out after all the year it had been there.

    She firmly knocked on the door and a few seconds later Dave opened the door. He smiled at her. "There's my favorite witch!" He said grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm the only witch you know." She replied. She walked in like she owned the place. And from the moment she stepped in she did for the period of time it took to do the job.

    "So what are dealing with, Dave?" She leaning on the large staircase's railing. It was definitely a show piece when you first walked in. The wall paper was a slightly patterned dark green with dark wood features all around the room to complement it.

    "Well my guess is an angry spirit." He said as Liza continued on into the kitchen. There were pots and pans everywhere and other broken dishes all around the room.

"I can see why you might say that." Liza said squatting down to pick up a piece of broken of what looks to used to be a beautiful plate. "And this spirit looks especially angry." She said standing back up.

    Dave smiled at her warmly. She's not used to that. People don't look at her let alone smile at her on the street. She dresses darkly to keep the distractions of people away. Today she was wearing faded black skinny jeans and a thin black tank top that hung over her boobs, hiding her body's curves. And over her tank top is an army green bomber jacket with details of gold zippers.

    "I forgot to mention something." Dave says.

"What's that?" Liza asks because she hates it when people 'forget to mention something'.

"I got someone else to come and help you with this spirit." Dave says. Liza glides her tongue over her teeth. That's something she does to try and keep her 'cool'.

     "This is going to be interesting." Liza didn't work that well with others. After being alone for 6 years she didn't need anyone. Sure every once and a while she checked in a favor but it was never for real help. It was just like ingredients for potions and spells.

     "He should be here soon." Dave said. And almost as if on cue there was a knock on the door.

    Instead of going and opening the door Dave yelled "Come in!". She heard the gentle creeking of the opening door. "We're over here!" Dave yelled so that 'he' could find us in the large house.

Within a couple of seconds a boy rounded the corner. Liza has never had a boyfriend. Or friends for that matter. But she knew that he was good looking. Just one look in his blue eyes and all the girls would be swooning over him. But Liza needed to focus.

    The guy stuck out his hand and gave her a happy go lucky smile. She hates happy go lucky people. "My names Loup, and yours?" He asked.

Liza firmly shook his hand and said. "My name's Liza." She said clearly getting annoyed in her voice.

"Liza? That's a unique name. How do you spell it?" He asked.

"L-I-Z-A" she informed him.

"Well you spell my name L-O-U-P. But the P is silent so it's just Lou" He told her as if she would care.

"Seriously your parents named you wolf in French? Let me guess your last name is Garou." She said very unimpressed.

"Yeah, actually it is." He said sounding very impressed.

"Your parents named you werewolf in French?" She said starting to be shocked and annoyed at the same time.

"Yes they did." He said.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you, yourself are a werewolf." She said.

"Correct again." He said.

"Seriously Dave! You get me 'help' and you don't even get another witch, that could, I don't know, help!" She yelled at Dave.

"Hey just give me a chance!" Loup said raising his voice not quite to a yell.

"What do you know about hunting an angry spirit?" She asked.

"Not much but I'm a fast learner. I can learn from the best." He said clearly being a suck up.

"A few words of advice for you cheek bones, complements won't get you far with me, don't slow me down, don't get me killed, and don't get yourself killed." She said placing her pointer finger on his chest and looking up at him angrily.

"Yes ma'am." He said looking down at her.
Thank you for reading this! It doesn't really describe the characters physically  in this chapter and it won't in the next few chapters either. But it will happen! Loup is supposed to look like Froy Gutierrez and Liza will look like the way she is described in the up coming chapters.

If you make cover pages for books please Comment or contact me on Instagram @fantabulous_fandoms ! Also I will give credit in the description of the book. Thanks so much!

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