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November 15th, 2014

Devyn sat on their bed in the 5th year Ravenclaw dorm room. They had dark green hair that was shaved around their head. They were wearing a white and pink striped tank top, red plaid flannel, and jean shorts on. Beside them was a piece of paper with some words sprawled across the page. 

Dear Diary,

Mom's dead. That's not really a surprise anymore. Its been over a week. I can't bear to think of it. She was murdered. That much I know. Everyone else can believe she was simply sick. But Cho Chang doesn't get sick. She just doesn't. I feel like I should know who killed her. I really do. 

Suddenly, breaking the silence, there was a knock at the door. Devyn jumped, startled by the sudden noise. They  turned around to see Lily Potter. Lily had curly, shoulder-length, natural red hair. She was wearing her full moon rimmed glasses with a jean jacket, white shirt and grey sweatpants. They were encouraged to wear their own clothes outside of Hogwarts. 

"Hey Dev." Lily smiled. She walked over to Devyn's bed (which was next to the window) and leaned on the frame.

"Hey." Devyn sighed. 

"What's up?" she asked, hoping to get an answer.

"You know what's up," they began, "mom's dead, Abi is neglecting it. Everyone thinks that I'm lying. Y'know? Like I know that someone killed her. I just know it." 

"I believe you." Lily mumbled.

"Wait... really?" Devyn looked both surprised and confused. 

"Yeah. No one has better intuition than you." Lily nodded sitting down on the bed next to Devyn. They quickly closed the notebook. They couldn't risk her seeing it. They just couldn't.

When Lily sat down, Devyn's heartbeat went up. They liked Lily, they had for two years now. Devyn didn't want to make a wrong move and end up with Lily hating them. Like, Devyn knew she liked girls. But would she like them? A genderqueer person? No. That's ridiculous. They thought.

"Listen Devyn, I know this is hard on you. I may not know what its like, but I know that it is eating you up inside. I know that I want to help you. But you need to talk to me." Lily ranted.

"No one understands. That's the thing. No one knows what its like to loose their mother. No one I know can empathise easily and it sucks." Devyn cried. There were literal tears running down their cheek. Lily put a hand on their cheek. She bit her lip. Were either of them ready for this?  "Hey, what are you doing?" 

Lily didn't answer she just brought Devyn's face close to her own. There was a moment of hesitation. "Are you okay if I kiss you? Cause I don't want to kiss you without-"

"Lily, it's fine." Devyn laughed. In response, Lily nodded and pressed her lips to Devyn's. It was soft. Not rough like Devyn's first kiss. Yet again, it was a perv from Gryffindor that had kissed them. Not awkward like Lily's. Yet again, that was a girl from Slytherin who had to make sure she even liked girls. 

The kiss lasted ten seconds. It would've lasted longer if it hadn't been for a very loud beep. Both of the two broke away and sighed loudly. 

"Sorry. It's James..."

Bisexual/Younger One(TM):

 Hey! Where are you? I thought you were 

meeting me in the library. 

Lesbian/Older One(TM): 

sorry! lost track of time. be there soon.

Lily sighed and left. Moments later Devyn's phone rang.

thPan Pen Pal:

Where are you? I need to talk to you. 


In the dorm room... 

Pan Pen Pal:

Meet me in the courtyard. 


March 9, 2018

Teddy and Victoire were sitting in the Hufflepuff common room. Teddy had long teal hair and was wearing a blue tank top and an off-white skirt. Victoire was wearing a white oversized shirt and black leggings. Victoire was leaning on Teddy, who was half awake. 

"Teddy..." Victoire mumbled.

"What?" Teddy mumbled back, tiredly. 

"Why are we still together? I know you don't still like me and my aromanticism and asexuality aren't really helping." Victoire recited. 

"Your fully aro and ace?" she was still confused. 

"Aromantic, demisexual." Victoire explained. 

"Right. Anyways... I guess your right... I kind of do like someone else..." 

"I knew it!" Victoire practically screamed. 

"Vic, shhhh." Teddy whispered. She had a migraine. A pretty bad one too. 

"Right! Sorry." their voice went quieter. Victoire was no longer leaning against their lover. Victoire was sitting upright. A couple minutes later Victoire turned, looking at Teddy. "So... are we not together anymore?" 

"I... I guess so." her eyes slightly widened. 

"Wow." they replied.



Harry Potter was no longer an auror. He was the Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. It was currently summer break. He and his wife, Ginny, were called into the living area of 12 Grimmauld Place. Their three- well four kids were in the room. Albus and James looked terrified, Lily looked like she was laughing at them internally (which she was), and Teddy looked proud. 

"Guys, why did you pull us in here?" Harry asked. 

Albus and James looked at Harry, then at each other, and then Teddy. "Why don't you go first?" James asked.

"Well, I already came out to you guys but uh, still pansexual, still genderfluid, current pronouns are he/they.'' Teddy announced. He had come out to Ginny and Harry around 4 years ago.  When he was in fourth year. He glanced at the other three and then sat beside Ginny. 

Lily was sitting on the ledge behind Albus and James. She was wearing a black dress. Which was unusual for her. But she had a date later so... that would explain it. 

"Ummm... mom, dad. I'm gay." Albus stuttered. 

"So am I- well bisexual, but more toward guys." James laughed. He really hadn't thought about what he was going to say to his parents. 

"Okay... so no one in this house likes just girls? Seriously?" Harry questioned. He wasn't angry. He, himself was bisexual and so was Ginny. 

"I do!" Lily stood up. "Yeah, I'm a lesbian." 

And Now... 

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