There is No Distraction to Mask What is Real

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       Pete always dreaded this day, he just hated it. It tore him up inside although no one honestly noticed his pain; Surprisingly. Pete just lounged around his house all day, but not today. Today he was making a visit to his boyfriends home. He hadn't seen him in a while, he really missed him. Has it been a year..? Probably, it is the 17th. Pete had made sure to make this visit special and his last...He left his house with a bouquet in hand and his mind drifting to many things.

        Pete stood outside, letting the wind toss his stupid flippy hair into his face. He looked around, letting out a soft sigh, "It's been a while, man. I've missed you." He let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head a little. "I brought you flowers. For you and our baby, Gabriel." He extended the flowers and waved them a little, tearing up slightly, "I know you thought Gabriel was too close to Gabe but it's a cute name, man. Plus it doesn't matter, Gabe's a little fucker and our baby won't be like that." He sat down and set the flowers down, shaking his head, "I remember when you would reply. I miss you, man.." 

        "Pete, I have a problem." The innocent 21 year old spoke softly, sounding scared. Pete giggled a little, not acknowledging the fear in the younger boys voice, "We all got problems, Lunchbox. What's up?" Patrick sat down next to Pete and avoided his gaze, "I went to the doctor today, man..He gave me news and I didn't believe it at first but somehow...Just somehow, I'm pregnant.." Pete froze, looking at the younger male who was sniffling a little. "Dude, you can't be-It's impossible!" Patrick shrugged a little, "Obviously not.." Pete frowned a little and wrapped his arms around Patrick tightly, "Don't worry, I'll help you out with the baby. Even with the name! We can call him...Gabriel!" Patrick scoffed, "It could be a girl." Pete grinned and kissed Patrick's cheek, "It'll be a beautiful boy, like his mommy."

        Pete sighed loudly, patting the grass in front of him, "You were so close, almost there.." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a note and his anti-depressants. He sat the bottle down and opened the note, "I’m not brave any more darling. I’m all broken. They’ve broken me." Pete stifled a giggle, "Hemingway, dude. He's pretty great, perfect for being cheesy." He shook his head and opened the bottle of anti-depressants, dumping them all out into his hand and taking them one by one. "I'll see you later, Trick."

        Pete awoke later in the hospital, surprised at how he was still alive. "You're a fucker, you know that?" A voice echoed from the other side of the room, Pete made a noise and looked over slowly, "What..?" Pete blinked a few times, his eyes couldn't adjust to the light and that's all he wanted. "You're a fucker, man. I was fine, you were fine. You're an idiot. But seriously, Hemingway!?" The males voice squeaked and giggled, bouncing over to Pete. "Congratulations on your death, man. I'll see you later, Petesy." Pete squeaked, reaching out but experiencing a lot of pain cursing through his body, "Patrick don't-" 

        Once again, Pete awoke; only this time in the same place he was left. The cemetery, next to Patrick's grave. Only this time, it was different. Faded. He sat up slowly and held his hands to his head, "Fuck." He let out a soft sigh and looked at Patrick's tombstone, his flowers were gone and Patrick's birth and death date were still the same, April 27, 1984-September 16, 2005. He looked to the right and noticed something, his name. "What the fuck?" He questioned at nothing, he crawled over to the tombstone quickly and read it out loud, "Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III, June 5, 1979-September 16, 2006." His jaw dropped, he was dead. "Yeah, dude. You're dead." Pete's head shot up quickly, looking behind him. "Hey, I missed my broken man." The smaller man grinned and pulled Pete up, pulling him into a tight hug, "Patrick, oh my god, it's you. Oh my god." Pete sobbed, wrapping his arms back around Patrick tightly, "Yeah, it's me. All dead and stuff." He giggled, tilting his head slightly. "At least we can be dead together, dude." Pete grinned down at him, Patrick just shook his head, "Yeah, forever."

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