Marked Of The Undead chapter 2

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Ariana’s POV

Truthfully, Jayson wasn't very cute, but then again, he did have the bad-boy look which instantly made him hot.

He began walking towards me as I just stood there frozen, staring like the

moron I am.

Well, you couldn't really blame me. The pain of him sleeping with my own

sister still hit down deep.

"Hey, Ariana" He smiled, as if nothing had happened. How did he think

he could just walk up to me as if he never hurt me? My scowl portrayed my thoughts clearly because his smile fell.

"Ariana” he began, “I'm so sorry about what happened between Kalie and me. I was so

drunk and, well, you rejected me." His words seemed rehearsed.

"Yeah, sure, the old 'I was drunk' excuse."I replied dryly, crossing my arms over

my chest.

"I just wasn't thinking, okay?" he tried convincingly, throwing his

arms up, "I still love you, and y’know, since I'm being transferred to

this school, maybe we could get over what happened and get ba--"

Before he was able to finish his pathetic meaningless sentence, my hand impulsively

raised itself making contact with his face. To finish the conversation, I

welcomed my knees to his balls. His eyes widened in sheer shock towards me as he fell to the floor.

Spinning the other direction on my heels, I turned and walked away swiftly. Dammit back in the same school with that jackass, Just my luck.

Crossing into the deserted hallway, I barely noticed as the sounds of the cafeteria

faded away.

Suddenly, out of the blue, an intense harsh pain exploded in my

chest. A thin and strangled scream escaped my throat as my hands flew to the

burning area; my birthmark. Before I could touch the searing skin of my chest, the pain had

disappeared. Completely, as if it just evaporated beneath my very skin.

I had a strange sensation afterwards; as if some immensely powerful force had just

entered my body.


I ran towards where Melissa was talking to a boy I’d never met before but I didn’t have time for questions and practically dragged her, explaining the whole pain thing in a rushed manner. She just looked at me like I was going insane. She actually thought I was being dramatic all of a sudden because of Jayson.

In an attempt to fix her crazed friend, she literally dragged me to a college party.

About the moment we walked in the door, she left me in the crowd. I couldn’t believe it, she just couldn’t wait to ditch me at the party she invited me to in the first place. I’m going home, I thought silently to myself.

Elbowing my way out of the party I got outside and started to walk the short distance to my house. It was pretty dark and chilly out as I pulled my jacket closer to myself.

I didn’t see anyone around and was startled when a big bulge of a man suddenly whispered as he fell into step beside me."I like your hair".

"Mind if I touch it?” he whispered once again. I stopped glancing up at him. Another

Pain In The Neck(Undergoing serious edition)Where stories live. Discover now