Chapter 2

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There will be some BunnyXJack in this chapter, but you have to squint to see it.


Emeraldwolf22057: I am! :)

Wouldbewriter23: Thank you for being the first person to review this on all the websites I put it on! It means a lot that you’re interested.

Guest #1 and #2 and frostflower1111: Thank all of you! I’m glad you like it so much!

Higuchimon: Thanks for the tip! I went back and changed it! And don’t worry; something horrible will happen to Jack in chapter 7. Just want you to get excited ;)

Oblicionkeeper23: Actually, the lemon (if I write one, I’m starting to change my mind) will come later in the fan fiction. I still put the warning up there so that people know where the story is going before they choose to read it.

 The nightmare sand disappeared except for the collar around Jack’s neck. North, Sandy, and Tooth chased after Pitch, trying to catch him before he left while Bunny went to check on Jack. Bunny hopped over to the limp boy on the ground who was barely hanging on to consciousness. Bunny picked Jack up and cradled him, trying to relieve any pressure or pain that he could. Jack began to have a coughing a fit, coughing up blood as well. Bunny patted Jack’s back.

“Hang in there Frostbite, we’ll fix you right up in a minute, promise.” Bunny frowned as he looked at Jack’s wounds. There wasn’t an inch of Jack that wasn’t bruised or cut. Bunny looked at his—now ruined—clothes and saw a growing stain of blood. He gently raised Jack’s hoodie, trying to be gentle but still caused Jack to hiss in pain. Bunny’s eyes widened as he saw the stab wound on Jack’s side. He jumped up and ran over to the sleigh, although trying not to jostle Jack.

“There’s no time to look for Pitch, mates! If we don’t get him back to the pole soon, he’s not gonna make it!” The other guardians starred at Bunny and Jack, who were now in the sleigh and joined them quietly. They were all worried about Jack, so no words were spoken, everyone understood. Bunny looked down at the boy in his arms. Jack’s eyes were glazed over as he looked up at Bunny. He just wanted to go to sleep, hoping that when he went to sleep, he’d wake up and it would all be a dream. Jack’s eyes started to close. Bunny shook him gently.

“Oi, Frostbite, you gotta stay awake mate. You took a lot of blows to your head, and you can’t fall asleep. We’ll be there in a minute, we’re on our way now.” Jack nodded, trying his best to fight the exhaustion.  He grabbed a fistful of Bunny’s fur in his hand as he closed his eyes, waiting for everything to stop. Bunny couldn’t help the anger that coursed through his veins; mainly directed towards Pitch, but also himself. He could’ve fought harder against Pitch’s sand, he could’ve ran faster, he could’ve done something.

North looked back at Jack while flying the sleigh. Bunny was right. He didn’t look like he was going to make it if they took too much longer. North took a snow globe out of his coat. He whispered North Pole into the globe and threw it in front of the sleigh. The magic portal opened and the sleigh passed through it, appearing at their destination. The sleigh jolted as North ran into the walls of ice and as he parked it. Jack winced every time. He was fighting a losing battle, and knew it.

“Bunny…” Bunny looked down, shocked that Jack was talking.

“Hush Frostbite, don’t talk-“

“No, bunny, I don’t thin- I don’t think I can last much longer… it hurts so much, I- I just wanna go to sleep…” Bunny stayed silent, not knowing how to respond. Bunny knew Jack wouldn’t be able to hold out forever, but hearing Jack say it himself made Bunny feel like there was a void in his chest. To see such a fun loving spirit so broken almost brought him to tears.

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