Chapter 7

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I asked a friend to type this up for me like a month ago, but she never did, so it's not my fault this is a month late. Just to clarify....

Anonymous The Nobody/Guest/jackvampire18: Thanks, I like that Jack's blind too :)

milefanis-cullen: Yo soy, siento haber tardado tanto. :(

AngelaZhang526/Readingdisneyfangirl:Thanks, It means a lot when someone likes my stories enough they reread them. Sorry about the wait.

Sapphiefiredragon/TheManwhowouldB: Lol, I get it, it was cute. And, yes, I can manage that.

ScarletBurns: Thanks :)

PhantomHeart/CecillliaMRamierz/SmASHxxx/nimelisacowong/Alice001/Just_Disappear_/: Thanks, and I am. :)

Nightmare6453/Fai_Snowflake: Now, don't hurt my bae TT^TT No need to get violent anyone...

Jack cursed when he slipped and fell for the third time that day. It had been almost a week since Pitch took his sight. That, plus the two weeks Pitch said he had been unconscious meant that he had been here for almost 3 weeks. That was only 7 days from an entire month. 7 days without his sight. He was still adjusting. The first three days without his sight, Jack spent in his cell, trying to map it out as best as he could without help, despite the chain on his neck.

Jack had done well, given the short amount of time he was blind and had been in that cell. Then, suddenly, on the fourth day, Pitch let him out. The king gave Jack his own room and said he could go anywhere he wanted within the catacombs. Jacked had asked why Pitch was doing that. Pitch simply replied, 'You have no power, you can not see, and I always know exactly where you are. What could you possibly do?' The sad thing was, Pitch was right.

Jack's powers were gone as long as his staff was broken and taken from him. He couldn't force his way out. Even if he could, he was blind. He wouldn't be able to even find his way out. Alright, say by some miracle that he had his powers back and he knew the way out, then what? Pitch would just get to him again so long as he had that stupid collar on.

Jack slipped again due to his lack of focus and he yelled out in frustration. The catacombs were damp and never ending. He got lost multiple times, and would reluctantly ask Pitch to help him. It was strange. All Jack had to do was simply call Pitch's name and he would emerge from the shadows. Jack hated traveling through the shadows, it made him sick and he felt empty whenever they did it. Pitch though, Pitch had changed.

After blinding Jack, which he still had yet to figure out whether or not it was intentional, Pitch was very distant. At first it seemed like he was actually regretting what he had done. Regret turned to disdain. Pitch acted like he didn't even want to be in the same room as Jack. Disdain turned to anger. Unlike the others, this phase wasn't changing or going away anytime soon. If anything, it seemed like it was getting worse. Pitch always helped him nevertheless, although, last time Pitch yelled at him for 'being so blind.' He said nothing after that.

Jack wasn't going to call for Pitch, no matter how lost he became. He knew it was silly, but Jack wanted to prove Pitch wrong. He was never going to learn the layout of the catacombs if Pitch came to his rescue everytime he got lost. Besides, he already knew how to get to the kitchen, bathroom, library, and Pitch's chambers from his bedroom. Jack stopped in his walking and mental map making. He leaned his head against the stone walls.

Jack was thinking like this was his new home; talking aobut what he was going to do and how well he was doing, despite the circumstances. Now that he thought about it, Jack realized that his stay here--besides being blinded and stripped of his powers--wasn't that bad. He ate meals regularly and slept in a comfortable bed, and Pitch hadn't touched him since the 'accident.' That's what Jack called it. Plus, he was left to his own devices, so he did whatever he wanted.

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