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Authors P.O.V
3 years ago (Listen to the song)


Tonight was the night of the big Junior dance. Eleanor was excited. She would be going with her girlfriend and best friend of 7 years Jensi and their two other best friends Colton and Anita. Tonight would be the best night of her life, at least that's what she thought.

She exited her room, quietly closing the door behind her. She began to descend the marble stairs to the kitchen. On her way down she meet her mother who didn't look too happy.

"Eleanor are you still going to the dance"?

"Yes mother, me Jensi, Colton and Anita".

Her mothers faced turned sour at the mention of Jensi. It's not like she didn't like her daughter being in a relationship with another female, it's the fact that this particular female distracted Eleanor from her duties.

"I thought I told you I don't want that girl around you any longer" she said her eyes giving Eleanor a cold look.

Eleanor quickly looked away. Her mother believed that Jensi distracted her from her duties of learning the ropes of watching and taking care of the Famoux. Jensi didn't even know who her mother was and what she did. Even after multiple attempts of telling her mother that it wasn't Jensi who was distracting her and that she just didn't want to do that for her life, she still wouldn't listen.

"Mother..." Eleanor began but she was quickly shut down by her mothers disapproving and cold look.

At this age Eleanor's number 1 rule was to never talk back to her mother or disobey her. Jensi was just... a different situation when it came to that rule.

"Well you can't go to that dance anyway, tonight you'll be watching behind the scenes of the Famoux. You'll learn so when you take over everything is perfect".

With those words a sudden rage filled Eleanor. She didn't want to stay in one place catering and pampering to a bunch of brats. She wanted explore with her friends and find something that she loved, not something that her mother did.

"I don't care! Mother, I've already told you I don't want to be apart of the Famoux business! It's... it's you and Grandpas thing...not mine" she said with a huff. She turned on her heel and began walking back up the stairs till Norax grabbed her arm hard.

Eleanor almost tripped on her own two feet until she caught herself by holding on to the banister.

"If you go to that dance tonight... You. Will. Regret. It." she said a firm grip still held onto Eleanor's arm.

Eleanor yanked her arm away from her mother and gave her the coldest glare she could muster. She turned and flew up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door. Once inside she slide down on the floor and put her hands on her face.

She began to weep softly. Why couldn't her mother realize that she didn't want her life to become hers? That was Eleanor's worst fear, turning into her mother. Someone who cared more for a group of strangers rather than her own kids. Norax was rarely home and when she was she didn't give Eleanor and Carstan much attention unless it was to scold them or talk about the Famoux.


A few hours had passed since Eleanor and Norax's encounter on the stairs. Eleanor was now fully dressed looking at her reflection in the mirror.

She had on a pink dress that touched the floor and curled around in certain areas. The top of the dress was covered in jewels and she had on white flats. Her dirty blonde hair was softly curled around her making her eyes pop even more. She had put on a bit of lip gloss, not bothering much with makeup because Jensi said she looked better without it. Around her neck was a golden locket that said "I love you" with a rose that Jensi gave her for her fourteenth birthday. Inside the locker was a picture of her and Jensi when they were at the photo booth. That photo booth was also when she had her first kiss.

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