Authors P.O.V
3 years ago 📍The woods||~||~||~||~||~||~||~||
As they edged closer towards the body Eleanor's heart sunk more and more. She was terrified, she had never in her life seen a dead body.
When they were finally got close enough to see the face Anita turned around and threw up and Ele just stood there. No sound came out of her and she didn't move.
Jensi Autumn Jackel lay dead on the floor with a gunshot wound to her stomach. Blood was still seeping from her wound but Jensi lay still, no breathes, just still.
Eleanor dropped to the ground just like her heart and shattered into a million pieces. She grabbed a little white slip of paper from Jensi's cold hand and read what it said. The world stopped, at least Eleanor's did. She dropped the slip of paper and began to sob. She pulled Jensi closer to her and sobbed harder. The front of her pink dress was now soaked in blood but she didn't care. She carefully closed Jensi's eyes and pushed her lips to hers. Jensi's lips felt cold against Eleanor's soft warm ones.
She continued to cry while Anita and Colton gave her space. Anita turned to Colton "Run back up the road and call 911. Be quick". He gave her a swift nod and sprinted towards the road. Anita carefully and quietly picked up the piece of paper that Eleanor had dropped. There were blood smudges on it but she could still read the words. She gasped and dropped the note. The note read:
She couldn't run, she couldn't run
Outrun my gun.
She couldn't run, she couldn't run
Faster than my bullets.End of Flashback

Eleanor's Story
FanfictionA Famoux/Classix Fanfiction Description inside. I sadly do not know who is the cover but she plays Eleanor and is gorgeous.