Chapter 1 - A Mother's Loss

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"My baby girl......."

Jane's crystallized face was drenched in her tears of disheartening, and sorrow. The prolonged sound had echoed throughout the terrain of that single bullet entering Ada's, fragile and precious crown. While holding her daughter's hand in her last moment's was a dreading scenery, the majority of the group were flooding river's from their moping eyes. The man behind the rifle twitched in himself, fighting his own emotion, regretting his previous decision. Jane became raw, her skin was blushing heavily and her tears battled against her. Her clothing became soaked, as she was hunched, still holding the blameless girl's sweet, smaller palm.

"I see you're in distress, but consequences will be consequences, no matter their brutalities," the ring leader told with a lodge in his throat, the tone was somewhat harmful to him to have picked Ada, but as he and his minions slowly departed from our, now, un-comforting home. However, he turned his head and watched down on Jane, who was still in shock from previous events and handed her a dagger, with a silver tint blade and was wrapped in stitching at the handle. Before he bowed his falling skull was unhinged at his neck to spy the blood of an adolescent, to then place his boots one after another following his people.

The group moved closer to Jane, prowling in at a single to comfort the broken surrogate, cramped into her space now holding Ada in her arm's gleaming at her features. Her tears had ended, but her emotional state would always remain penitent, and the flashing image of her child dying in her close presence would sure to haunt the caring, warm friend, as it would any parent in the truest of natures. She grew up and Ada was peacefully lying in her weakening arms, as she wandered out into the wilderness. Each person followed with intention's high for our dearest of companions. Slow in speed, Jane reached her destination, placing her daughter centered of an opening in the woodland. She crossed her leg's, and run her fingers through Ada's silky, soft hair and hummed, we were gathered in a circular like position around the hurting, and stood to listen. We had paid our respect's to the fallen, the brave soul and made our way for Jane to be alone with her daughter's corpse.

"Mommy's here now sweetie" Jane broke from her sealed lips, as she hummed at the lifeless body, walking away looks were exchanged at the vermin human's who had brung such agony to a vulnerable family. Sam stopped and slid down a tree, looking up at the branches, the leaves, the living. While more stubbornly Jay followed with not a concern for his responsibilities, Sam pleaded for forgiveness looking up into the eyes of God, quietly whimpering and taking full liability for the unsatisfactory reckoning of Jane. His brow was curved and he stomped straight for his tent, Jay was angered and now very much hated by the bunch of remaining survivors.

Hours passed endlessly, with no return of the widow, ideas popped into my mind that she had joined Ada, or that she made choice to continue her conquest alone? Until out of the fog of nightly mist, came Jane holding the knife in place ahead of herself, as she identified the perimeter. Her furious, fiery rage led her to take sudden action into handing the life of the delinquent to Satan.

"Where is he? Jay?" without faltering Paige conducted Jane's attention to the khaki, double tent, to which he hadn't set away from since our return earlier that day. Jane crept to the zipper and entered, ripping the buck away from his portable shelter and dragging him from each stone and brick to have put ahead of her. She held the knife upfront and didn't speak, getting closer and inputting it on the sensitive surface of skin resting above his bulged throat. With the intentions of swiping the knife, slitting his throat, Jane was at a disadvantage, she was weak and couldn't do it.

Jay became much more vexed by Jane's attempt, throwing his heavy-weighted fist at her delicate cheek bone, thus' sending her away from his windpipe. Within this moment, Jane was reminded what an empowering, sturdy woman she really was. She gripped her bright hair into a pink hair-tie, it was firmly placed back and she pulled the disgraceful human to stand by the ruffle of his prussian blue bomber jacket. He approached her, and ruffled her hair and they began fighting, roughly punching Jane, and as she became more feeble, he was gaining more chance to over take her. Shockingly, it was Molly who came to Jane's assistance to which she jumped on the savage man's back, seizing his throat dragging him back upon herself.

"Stop fighting... Please" Molly urged in her matured range, she looked particularly at Jay, in hatred, she formatted her dainty arms between them, refusal to the relapse of attack upon one another. Jane, who now was bruised, bloodied, beat got up and pulled Molly close, squeezing like she'd done to her own. Molly didn't resist, she was old enough to understand her depressant state and her deep, burning discomfort, she put her arm's around the needing female, and hugged her. Jay, still in disbelief, was grounded, monitoring them both sympathizing over the saddening of a mother's loss.

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