Chapter One

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Hannah clutched her bag to her chest as her mother parked in front of Shermer High school. She yawned, a typical action on a school day morning but this was different. It was five to seven on a Saturday morning and here she was about to serve detention.

"Don't yawn." Her mother rebuked. "You got yourself into this so don't go acting hard done by. Just do today and make sure you don't get another detention." She handed Hannah a bag. "And don't you dare talk to any boys. I won't have you whoring around with the delinquents that go here. Do I make myself clear."

"Yes mother." Hannah answered dryly.

"Good. Now go in there. I'll be here at 4 sharp to pick you up. Don't be a minute later." She went on.

Hannah just nodded. "OK." Giving her mother a brief hug, she slung her bag over her shoulder and exited the car. Her mother drove off swiftly and Hannah stared at the school, taking a deep breath before she climbed the steps and walked in.

She soon got to the library and entered quietly. Three other people were sitting there. Claire Standish, the popular girl of the school and the wrestling star sat on the same table which figured. Then she noticed Brian Johnson, a sweet and nerdy guy who was in her maths class and had once offered her help when shed been stuck. He was sitting on the table behind theirs.

As she passed to get to the table opposite Claire , she sent him a small  smile before ducking her head. He smiled shyly back and she sat down.

Then the door opened and a girl dressed in all back scurried in, not sharing eye contact with anyone as she headed to the back. She sat facing the wall. with her hood covering her face.

Then just behind her a tall guy with long brown hair dressed in a grey trench coat and a red scarf strolled in. He shoved things off the desk as he went, tucking a pile of notes in his pocket. As he went past Hannah he took off his sunglasses and she couldn't help but notice how nice his eyes were. They were a dark brown.

He went over to Brian's table. Brian looked up at him.

"Move." The brown haired guy said, his voice low. Brian nodded and went to sit behind Hannah.

She turned around to glare at the brown haired guy but he just smirked at her before putting his feet up a chair. He took off his scarf and threw it on the table before he removed his coat.

She turned back to face the front just as Principle Vernon came in holding a stack of paper and a few pencils.

"Well, well glad to see you've all arrived on time." He said.

Before he could continue, Claire raised her hand. "Excuse me sir. I know this is detention but I'm not supposed to be here. Um I think there's been a mistake." She said.

Vernon ignored her. "It is now 7:06." He said, checking his watch."you have exactly eight hours and fifty minutes to think about why you're here. To ponder the error of the ways."

Hannah's attention was drawn by Bender leaning back and spitting in the air. She cringed in disgust but slight fascination as he caught it in his mouth. It was gross but very impressive. He suddenly caught her staring and gave her a hard look. She turned away.

"And you may not talk." Vernon continued, looking at Claire. "You will not move from these seats." He looked at Brian who was in the process of moving to the middle chair but shrank back when he caught Vernon's eye, bundling his orange hat in his lap as he did.

"You will not sleep." He said, striding over to pull the chair from under the brown haired guy's feet and earned a glare from the long haired teen.

"And you will not read." Vernon said as Hannah pulled a book out of her bag. She replaced it sheepishly and folded her hands in front of her. She heard a snigger from the brown haired guys direction and turned to glare at him. He just grinned at her.

The Bookworm and the Criminal (A John Bender/Breakfast club fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now