There was nothing below her except for the symphony of sound that created New York City. The honking of cars, the shouting from arguments, and of course, the howling of the wind. She stood on top of the Empire State Building, quivering in her boots as she stared down on the city she'd once loved.
Loved, then betrayed.
The buzzing of her Blackberry pulled her out of her thoughts as she reached into her pockets and drew out the sleek black phone. Tapping the answer button, she struggled to hear her voice through the loud sound emitted from below her.
"Hi lovely." Chirped a melodic voice. "Are we all set? Ah yes, never mind. Nice dress, by the way."
"I-I did as you asked. Now please let my brother go." The poor girl pleaded.
There was a second of silence as the girl held her breath. "Did you bring the binoculars?" The other girl inquired.
"Good girl. If you look through the binoculars, you should find a person of your brother's height standing on the building right next to yours."
The girl did as told and almost squealed in joy. The boy, with ruggish brown hair and wearing an over-sized sweater, was definitely her beloved brother, who'd been kidnapped a few moons back.
"T-thank you!" She exclaimed to the other person as she prepared to end the phone call.
The person chuckled. "No. Thank you, darling. It wasn't for you...well, I'd be dead by-"
The phone was sudden ripped out of her hands as her body slammed forward. Losing her balance, she fell into the air. But now matter how much she screamed, the ground kept getting closer, and closer, and cl-
I've no idea what I just freaking wrote.
Ahh, well.