The first task

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Trumpets sounded on the first task, George and Fred were collecting bets from the crowd and Dumbledore was announcing what was going to happen in the events, many took their seats, some excited some nervous. Harry, Cedric, Fleur, and Krum were all inside a large tent awaiting their task. Harry was pacing up and down, he had learnt the summoning charm from Hermione but what if he smashed his wand, what if he burnt into the ground before he could even raise his wand, what if he never saw Hermione and died with him and Ron on bad terms all these thoughts circled around Harry's head.

"Psst," he heard a voice like Hermione's at the edge of the tent.

"Hermione?" Harry said

"Harry how are you feeling?" she said her voice was shaky and she was crying. Harry didn't answer he just stood there cold and nervous. "Harry please don't die, I can't live without you, and I know that sounds extreme but it's true. It's all about focus then you have to-"

"Battle a dragon," Harry said. Next Hermione burst through the tent and hugged him and pecked him on the lips. Flash!

"Awww, young love!" Rita Skeeter said bursting in as she snapped the photo, she started smiling and as soon as the photo was taken Harry and Hermione broke away from each other blushing wildly and Hermione pulled a revolted face and had instead latched onto his arm and hugged him in tightly. Just then Professor Dumbledore and Mr. Crouch walked in and Mr. Crouch had a bag. Dumbledore gathered the champions.

Dumbledore turned to Hermione, "What are you doing here Miss Granger?"

"Oh, I-" she let go of Harry's arm and looked at him and went out the tent and into the stands, and sat next to Ron and Neville.

"First Miss Delacour, you first," Mr. Crouch said as Fleur put her hand and pulled out the green dragon, "the welsh green," Mr. Crouch said turning to Krum, Krum reached in and pulled out the red dragon, "The Chinese Fireball, ooo," Mr. Crouch said turning to Cedric, who reached in and pulled out the yellow dragon, "the Swedish-Short-Snout, which leaves-" Harry reached in knowing what he was going to have, "The Hungarian Horntail," Mr. Crouch said as a small Hungarian Horntail crawled up the palm of Harry's hand. Harry looked at Dumbledore, who looked at the dragon. Dumbledore was explaining the order and Harry was last, Filch set off the cannon just as Dumbledore was telling Cedric to get ready, but instead, Cedric was just let out.

Cedric, Krum, and Fleur got the Golden Egg, even though Cedric had a burn on his shoulder. "NOW LAST BUT NOT LEAST MR POTTER!" Harry heard his name being announced and he shook in fear, he slowly made his way out of the tent he saw the crowd which was full of cheering Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, but a few Hufflepuff's were booing and all the Slytherins. He was in an area full of slimy black rock, and there was no sign of the dragon, he could see the golden egg on a perch. He looked around there was still no sign of the dragon, so he took a step forward and then the dragon revealed itself and whipped its spiky tail rounding thrashing rocks down on Harry. There were several cheers and pain oohs around the crowd as Harry came crashing down to the ground. The Horntail whipped its tail down on the ground which Harry just missed but he was now dizzy and still hunting around and avoiding the Horntail, Harry fell near a rock when the Horntail opened its mouth and jets of white-hot fire came out the jaws and hit the rock next to Harry causing more oohs came from around the crowd. The dragon then smashed it tail down causing screams to erupt from the crowd, Harry's shoulder started to bleed and just as he could get back up the dragon smashed its tail down on the ground smashing on the ground. Harry became dizzy due to the loss of blood, and the scene around him, he jumped to a ledge but was caught by the dragon tail and was smashed onto the ground. Rocks smashed past Harry and his shoulder was grazed again and he became dizzier and the world seemed to spin around and several screams roared out from the ground. The Horntail roared out in triumph, and Harry leapt to his feet and rushed past a rock, but unfortunately, the Horntail saw him and fire burst past that rock slightly catching him knocking him over. He blacked out and went dizzy and looked around the Horntail was advancing on him things did not look good, just then the Horntails thrashed down upon Harry nearly killing him which snapped him back into where he was. There were screams everywhere, he thought he could see Hermione who was crying and screaming as the Horntail's tail came down again. Igor was grinning bearing brown teeth and he could hear Hermione screaming, "YOUR WAND HARRY! YOUR WAND!" Harry whipped out his wand and shouted 'Accio Firebolt!' he scarpered away and hid behind a large rock which the Horntail set on fire burning and melting the rock, Harry's broom came zooming in and Harry jumped on it lifting high into the sky, he made a lunge for the egg but was stopped when a jet of fire was blasted right near the egg. Cheers erupted as Harry lifted up into the sky, the Horntail was going after Harry but couldn't fly into the air because of his chain, but it pulled against it and it broke. All cheers died out into a silence of worry as Horntail rose into the air. The Horntail snapped its jaws just missing Harry, he had to get out of the stadium or the Horntail would kill many, he flew to the teachers stand and the Horntails tail tore through the stand knocking over many teachers as the Horntail kept the pursuit of Harry. Harry felt the wind whip through his hair as he zoomed the Horntail made many attempts to bite him but missed and Harry pulled up as he narrowly escaped a Hogwarts tower as he zoomed by. Harry dropped into a dive avoiding the Horntails mouth and he thought he had lost it, he looked around for it and turned a corner just as he was hit by its tail and fell off his broom and managed to latch onto one of the window ledges his broom below him. The Horntail had leapt onto the roof and was trying to climb across as tiles were spewed all over the place as it sunk it claws into the roof climbing across. The Horntail was upon him when Harry fell and managed just to the ledge just under his broom and started to reach for it, the broom twitched the Horntail was so close Harry could feel it's hot steamy breath on his face and the glow of a fire.  The Horntail destroyed the ledge and Harry felt his broom in hand, the Horntail did a dive following Harry but Harry jumped on his broom and pulled up into the sky as did the Horntail. The Horntail let out a great flame which hit the back of Harry's broom as they dived over the bridge. Harry saw his chance. A small hole only he could get through the Horntail would fall and Harry would get the egg, he saw it now, here was his chance. The Horntail lunged forward biting Harry's broom and he bumped into the wall and fell as the Horntail smashed into the stone bridge falling as well with Harry.

Hermione POV

Everyone was looking around for Harry, I had heard a roar and a scream and then there was silence. I started to cry while looking for him, Ron's face had lost all colour and Neville was close to tears. Hagrid was whimpering and Professor McGonagall was shouting at Mr Crouch as well as looking worried. He had to be alive, I could just feel it. I let out a loud sob as I saw smoke rise from the farthest bridge Ron also let out a loud sigh and Neville was shaking. I looked at my bracelet it was dark blue when I saw Harry's name appear it said bridge-could he still be alive. I let the tears fall freely from my face as every Gryffindor looked sad, even Malfoy was stunned into silence, I gave up all hope just when...

Author POV

A small figure rose from the back of the stadium. It was Harry, he was covered in smoke and he looked like one of his shoulders had been badly injured but he was alive. Hermione let out a shriek of delight and relief, Ron cheered and Neville near fell out the stand with his joy. Even the teachers stand clapped Hagrid stood up and started clapping hard, whilst Harry dived down and grabbed the egg. He held it up as the Horntail was taken away from the stands. Harry fell to the ground clutching his shoulder and he was taken back to the tent, Madam Pomfrey healed his shoulder within a second and insisted Harry stay here, but Harry refused and went into a packed room full of Gryffindors. They cheered as Harry walked in and moved into the centre the Weasley twins were handing out custard creams and collecting in money.

Hermione POV

I don't know what came over me, as soon as Padma told me Harry was in the common room I ran into the room and leapt on Harry and hugged him, I then kissed him passionately, causing a few oohs around the room and a scowl with Ginny. I didn't care, all that mattered was Harry was ok. I broke from Harry blushing as the boys circled around Harry laughing and I sat down with some girls giggling about Harry. Harry opened the egg and it let out a loud screech and he quickly closed his egg. "What the bloody hell was that?" it was Ron. Fred told everyone to clear off, and they went with him outside. Harry looked over at me and smiled before Ron walked up to him, the room emptied a lot until only me, Harry, Neville, Dean, Ron, Angelina, Ginny, Padma and Pavarti.

"I'd reckon you'd have been barking mad to put your name in the Goblet," Ron said

"Caught on, have you? Took you long enough," Harry snapped

"I wasn't the only who thought you'd done it, they were saying it behind your back," Ron said lowering his voice.

"Brilliant," Harry said looking around "that makes me feel loads better,"

"At least I warned you about the dragon," Ron said

"Hagrid warned me about the dragon," Harry said

"No, no I did, don't remember I told Hermione to tell you Seamus told me that Pavarti told Dean that Hagrid was looking for you, Seamus never told me anything, so it was me all along," Ron said "Sort of be alright after you figured that out,"

"Who could possibly figure that out? That's completely mental," Harry said he was glad him and Ron were talking. Ron let out a small laugh

"Yeah, it was, I suppose I was a bit distraught," Ron said. Harry smiled at Ron and they both hear I muttered, 'boys' I was looking at them in disbelief.

Author POV

As soon as Harry was had got changed into his uniform and his arm fixed up Hermione saw him and ran at him. She grabbed his hand and dragged him into a broom cupboard, she pushed him against the wall and started snogging him senseless. Harry wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer and she put her arms around his shoulders. They stopped for air grinning at each other.

"I knew you'd do it!" Hermione said putting her head on his chest, she then pulled Harry in for another kiss. They stopped and fixed themselves up a bit and went back to the common room grinning.

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