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Previously on My Genie... (see what I did there? XD)

"My Powers..There... There gone" 

"What do you mean GONE?!" Scott said in fear. I slowly felt my body get weaker "Scott.... H-Help me.." I beg. "W-What I do?!" He asked, kneeling over my weak sore body. "Bring me to my parents.. Please.. You've met them.. Just.. Please... Help me." I said before blacking out once more...


Mitch explained on what I should do. Then he blacked out again. "No no Mitch please! Stay with me! I cant loose you! Your my only hope!" I beg and plead. I quickly carry his limp body to the car. I sat him down before going into the driver seat and hit the gas pedal, Putting us in motion. I began saying sweet nothing to him to get him to wake up. "Mitch Please stay with me.. I cant loose you! We've been through everything together! Come on! Be Strong! You can do this! Please Mitch! Be strong.... For me and your family! Please please please!" I beg more more, loosing my focus on the road. 

The more I look at Mitch, The more recognizing he gets, Like I've known him my whole life... I just don't know when... We soon pull up at the Grassi household. I quickly run over to the passenger seat, Grabbing Mitch and shutting the door. I quickly run up to the door. I knock with force. "Open open open..." I mumble to myself quietly. They soon open to door. "Ye- MITCH?!" They scream in unison. "I- I don't know what happened! He was turning blue.. Then- then he said he lost his powers and fell down to the ground!  H-He wont wake up!"  I sob with him in my arms. "Please! Come in!" Mr. Grassi said, Moving out of the way to let me in. I set him gently on the foam, gray couch. Mrs. Grassi ran upstairs to get a house phone. She quickly dialed a number, Speaking with fear on the phone.

After about 5 minutes, These 4 men came in and took Mitch away. "No no! Don't take him from me!" I scream as I tried running to him, but failed as I was held back by 4 other men. I struggle to take out of their grip, falling to the ground and sobbing. "Please.. Mitch.. Come back." I whimper. That's when it hit me. I was getting flash backs....

"Hello! I'm Mitch!" The boy shot out his hand. I grab it gently and shook it with and slight shake. "How old are you?" I asked him. "I'm 10!" He said. "Are you also in the Charlie And The Chocolate Factory play?" He asked with excitement "Yeah! I'm Scott! I'm also 10!" I answered with a huge grin." 

(Second flashback. Mitch and Scott are now 17 and 18)

"Scott?!" I hear behind me "Mitch?!" I replied with shock "Oh my god! I feel like I haven't seen you in years!"  He said hugging me like there was no tomorrow...

(Third flashback)

"Your leaving your BEST FRIEND for HIM?!" He screams with anger. "I'm sorry Mitch! I love him a lot!" I said with sadness "But I'm your best friend! We've been friends since we were 10! Now we're 20 and you ignore me for some stupid guy?!" He back fired, Now he was pissed "I'm sorry... I really am I ju-" I was cut off by him "Shut up! You know what!? Forget it! Don't text me or call me! I'm done with you!" He said before stomping off. Ive never seen him since. 

(End of flash backs)

It all came back to me. Mitch ran away.. Cause of me.. That's why he never talked to me. Cause I left him for some stupid dude who I'm not even with right now. If I ever tell Mitch who I was.. He would leave me.. He would be hurt. But its the right thing to do.. Not tell him...

About 30 minutes of waiting, Mitch finally came out. He walked out in new fresh clothing and was absolutely stunning "Scott?" He said with confusion. I looked up to see him. Mitch Grassi. My Genie. My life. Soon to be mine... "Mitch?" I said, slowly cracking a smile. He ran over to me and attacked me in a hug. He began to hug me tighter "I'm so sorry I scared you like that!" He said repeatedly. "No no don't be sorry, its ok. But I truly thought you were dead" I admitted. We laugh while still hugging. "Scott?" he said into my chest. "Yes Mitchie?" I responded.

"I love you..." He said quietly

"I love you too Mitchie"

So that's that! I'll be updating more today so prepare yourself. And I'm updating Mr. Protective today too soooo prepare for that too! Love ya.


Brooklyn (aka ScootaliciousBooty) 


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