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         Now a lot of people may say "OMG i get places SOOO late" but you don't know what being late even is, until you have met LeekChan.

So about a week or two ago(it was a week or two when I originally wrote this sorry I never updated), LeekChan , my friend Katy, my friend Francesca, and I went to puss-in-books house to play some mariokart and hang out. We were supposed to be there by 10, I think I got there around 10:02 and Katy and Frannie cane around 10:10. At around 11:30 we got a text from LeekChan saying "GUYS I JUST WOKE UP". ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? It was a Monday and she woke up at like 11:30.

If I calculate this out: It should take her 10 minutes to get ready-procrastination, get dressed, and brush teeth/hair etc. Then like 10 minutes to drive there, I walked because I live really close but she lives on a hill near us and she is way too lazy to walk that.
So it should have taken like 20 minutes for her to get there. At, I kid you not, freaking 12:15 she texts the group chat saying "I'M ON MY WAY NOW"...She doesnt eat breakfast or put on makeup, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD IT TAKE LIKE 45 MIN TO GET READY. Then she got there and whooped all our asses at super smash bros and mariokart.


A/N: As a favor to your friends do not follow in her footsteps. And also eat breakfast, I don't but people say it's important.


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