Chapter 1

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"We're not in Kansas anymore, Viola."

I firmly grip the steering wheel of my restored '69 z28 Camaro—Viola. She's my pride and joy. Leaning forward in my seat like an old lady, I try to gain visibility through the torrential downpour. My windshield wipers swish maddeningly back and forth, doing little good. Brilliant streaks of light flash through the murky sky, quickly followed by a heart-stopping boom. A knot forms in my throat and I swallow hard, trying to dislodge it.

This storm's the worst I've driven through, and it's right above me, creeping at a snail's pace, looming overhead. It's like the darkness that is my life. It's lurking around every corner, between every nook and cranny, waiting to swoop in and sip the happiness from my marrow like a fine wine. I won't let this storm win, though; not this time, not again. Tenth time's the charm, right? Or maybe it's the eleventh? Crap, I dunno. But for my sake and sanity, I hope so.

Strong wind wickedly batters the sides of my car, swerving it to the left. I hold on tighter to the wheel, keeping the tires on the road. I can do this. I know I can. I can find a place, any place, along this never-ending country road to get gas and suitable shelter. My body needs a break and a place to rest my tired head from this hellacious storm.

After eight hours of driving straight through, with the exception of two shitty pit stops, my patience is wearing thin. But, the more pavement that rolls under my tires, the faster I get away from Jonathan and his sick, addictive behavior. Why I'd spent the past six months hoping he might be the one to cure me, I can't be sure. Loneliness, maybe? Stupidity? This inherent need to help people? I have no clue. I just know that yesterday was the last straw.

At thirty-two, I'm too gosh damn old to put up with men's bull-honky. Guess that's what I get for dating younger men. This time, it was only by four years. But in women's years, it might as well have been ten. When they say women mature faster than men, no truer words have ever been spoken. I'm just glad I didn't waste another six months trying to help him cure his alcohol addiction, which regrettably transposed his dependency to me and everything I do. I became his need. His drug of choice. For a woman like me, that doesn't mix. I can't fill that tall order, no matter who the man is. I don't have it in me. My soul's too damaged; my heart too broken.

Through my water-logged vision, the broken sign swings from a pole on the side of the road—Miller's Gas Station, one mile. I pray this gas station is still in operation. I'm pushing less than a quarter tank in an engine that devours gas and need to fill up.

Quickly, I steal a glance at my passenger side floorboard. The box holding my potted garlic bulbs is still keeping them safe; no soil has been spilled. I blow out a relieved breath and focus my eyes back on the road.

Those garlic bulbs are the only thing I have left from my grams' garden. They're my most prized possession, aside from the two rings I wear on my left hand and my beloved car. Who knew so much love could be wrapped in these otherwise insignificant possessions? Not me. Not until everything was stripped away, and all I was left with were these objects, the clothes on my back, and a dirty box of old photographs.

Red lights flash up ahead in a store window—OPEN. A single uncovered pump sits in the middle of a gravel drive. The price for unleaded fuel is written in white on the shop's window. Unable to pump gas in these conditions without drenching myself in the process, I idle to the front of the rundown gas station. There are no marked parking spots, so I make my own. Through the rain I see a short, older woman curiously peer out of a window with a shotgun in her hand. I can tell she wants me to see it when she raises it above her head and shakes it a few times to get her point across. I'm not going to mess with her, but I suppose she can never be too careful out here.

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