Chapter 2

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The leaded darkness drowning me slowly drains away. My temples pound with the steady beat of my heart. The smooth cadence pulses in my ears as a nearby machine beeps the same methodical rhythm. My dry tongue runs over the back of my teeth, and the metallic tang of blood claims my taste buds. I try to swallow and internally wince from a sharp stabbing sensation in my throat.

I can almost reach out and touch the lethargic fog that muddles my brain. It's like a thick, warm blanket suffocating my senses—dulling them, forcing the world to slow and my muscles, that I know are there, to feel weightless, boneless. Unable to pry my anchored eyes open, my mind irrefutably shifts, delving into the deepest, darkest, most sacred recesses of my mind. A place where pain consumes my soul, swallowing it whole. A place where I drown in long lost memories that should stay buried. I can't go through this again. I don't want to see them. I can't do this. Not here. Not now.

Yet, I drift...

A memorable light flickers in my brain as a movie that I wish would disappear forever starts to play. It's a movie of that day. The day that changed my life forever. A day that has imprinted on my soul, branding its mark indefinitely. A mark I wish I could carve out of my soul like a festering sore.

My thoughts continue to reel. . .

Why is my brain doing this to me?! If this is what dying feels like, I'd rather go quickly. Take me, God, if you must, just don't play this memory. Any day but that day. Please. I beg you. If you're listening, take me into the light but leave this behind, all of it.


Dear Lord, no! I can hear her voice again. She's speaking. Can you hear it, too? She sounds so sweet, doesn't she? That's my grams.

The pounding in my head throbs harder and my chest aches as the movie blasts to full color and I'm transported back in time. A scarred piece of my heart tears open. ..................

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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