how he comfort

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"you have a nice bedroom, by the way." chanyeol comolimented, his eyes goes to every furniture. his walls are gray, almost all of the colors are gray and white, except for his wooden table.

baekhyun's eyebrows rose up slightly. for once someone just complimented him, even if it's just about his bedroom. but it's still nice. "thanks," he said shortly.

chanyeol notices on how baekhyun is actually not rude. he knows manners. the way people treat him in a bad way making baekhyun treat them the same way, he hates them. although he still shoo'ed chanyeol, he didn't say it in a rude way.

baekhyun gives kindness to those who deserve it, one of them being chanyeol.

"i'm done." a minute has passed, baekhyun put his pencil down. immediately going back behind his laptop with his ears plugged, watching who knows what.

chanyeol's eyes trail down his answers. he hasn't found a single mistake. baekhyun's really is smart. chanyeol eyes the light brown haired guy, who's watching something on his laptop. he sees his lips moves a bit.

"hey, why are you not proving to your mother that you're smart?" chanyeol raise a questioning brow, genuinely curios. "you can easily be on top with that brain of yours."

"i won't tire myself by doing that."

"why would you tire yourself?"

"her mind is set that i'm the lowest of the low, and baekbeom is the highest of the high. her mind is locked that way."

a silence wrapped them. chanyeol processing it and baekhyun thinking about his family. "are. . ." chanyeol started, his eyes slowly goes to baekhyun's figure. "are you sad?"

baekhyun paused whatever he was watching, surprised by his words. he slowly return his gaze. chanyeol's wide worried eyes staring back at his blank ones. "i. . . yes i am." baekhyun blurted out. decided that it's okay to be true, to not lie for once. it's chanyeol anyway. he trusted him.

chanyeol's feet are moving on their own. he head towards baekhyun and give him a pat on his head and ruffle his soft hair. "don't worry, i'm here."

baekhyun hold back his tears. for once someone is there for him. for once he can tell how he really feels. "yeol," chanyeol's heart burst at the nickname, "thank you."

"you're always welcome."

byun ; chanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now