The New Parents

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"I'm so glad we got two twin boys" I hear the male voice say to someone. "Honey calm down, if you get too excited you might scare them when they wake up" I hear a female voice reply. After I hear the male voice say "you're right, I don't want to scare them." I try to move, but there's something holding me back. I want to see what's going on, but I'm just so tried and I feel my stomach starting to hurt due to the lack of food we need. Before I fall back asleep I hear the female voice say "honey I think we should take them to the doctors before..." Then I fell back into a long sleep.

(5 min later)

I wake up to the male vampire carrying me somewhere. I look behind me and see Addison being carrying by the female vampire. I look back at the male and see that he has green eyes, light brown hair and a beard going across his whole face.  I look to behind me and see that the female has black hair, brown eyes and a gold necklace around her neck. When I look back to the male again, he tells me and Addison, "don't be scared little one, we're going to take care of you two, first we need to take you to a doctor for a check-up, and if you're both good we'll take you shopping for some toys and maybe a new teddy for both of you." I think he knew why I was scared. As soon as I turn around i see a sign that says "Sturgeon City Hospital" and I start to shake even more. Even while he holds me by his chest and rubs my back, I'm still so scared that I start to cry out of fear.

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