Play time

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(2 hours later)

Once the movie was done we're surprised that we weren't tired after watching it. But unfortunately we're lifted into the area with toys in it. "Ok boys, you should go in the playpen and play with your new toys. I need to plan what we're going to have for supper and what we're going to do tomorrow," Mommy said while putting us in the playpen. When we turn our heads we see a lot of toys with bear paws on them and we thought that they might be big enough for our teddies. But we weren't sure, so we decided to ask mommy what they were. We grabbed the top of the gate, stood on our toes, pointed to the toys and said, "mommy what's dat?" "Oh those are build-a-bear toys, they're made for your teddies, you can dress them in different clothes or have them hold toys or even play with them?" Mommy said with delight in her voice. Immediately we gasped, squealed for joy, let go of the gate, fell onto our bums, crawled to the toys and started playing with them.

As we dig through all the build-a-bear toys we notice two strollers, to box things to hold clothes, two of every pair of clothes for our teddies and two sets of each build-a-bear toys. We start playing with our build-a-bear toys and clothes, while we hear mommy  making clicking noises with something, but we're too distracted to care. Soon we see other toys around us, but we don't want to play with them. But we do grab our Carlos and Jay toys and continue to play with our teddies.

(1 hour later)

Later daddy comes in and yells, "I'm home!" As soon as we hear him we stop playing and crawl the gate and squeal. When he gets close to us he kisses mommy, which is gross, then walks over to pick us up. But before he reaches his hand over the gate we yell, "DADDY!" Once he picks us up and says, "Whoa, whoa, calm down boys I know you're excited to see me, but you don't yell ok?" we calm down enough for him to carry us to the couch and cuddle with us. we decided to ask him, "whewe wewe ou?" "I was at work," daddy told us. I wonder where he works. "Daddy? Whewe do ou wowk?" I asked him while Addison was busy trying to sit with mommy. "I work as the boss at a big book company," daddy answered with a smile and happiness in his voice. Then we heard mommy turn on the TV and saw something with a weird animal and then older kids playing ticks on adults. I like it, they're funny! Especially the older boy with black hair covering the sides of his head. "This is called 'Walk the Prank' and it's about four kids doing pranks on adults," mommy said in a happy voice. 'Oh ok.' I thought before asking, "what's a pwank?" "A prank is like a trick, but it's planned more," daddy says while tickling me, which causes me to giggle. So we watch the whole show and start to laugh at the kid named 'Herman' and start to get hungry, because of what we see him eating, which makes our tummies growl.

"Sounds like you two are hungry. don't worry, supper is almost done." mommy said while holding Addison in her arms. Later daddy started carrying me to my highchair, which i didn't like at all. 'I want to watch more!' I thought as he strapped be in.  "No, I wanna watch mowe!" I whined to daddy, while trying to get out. But I couldn't get out so the only thing I could do was to cry. Once daddy noticed this, he just replied with, "whoa, whoa, calm down Max. You can watch more tv tomorrow ok?" All he gets is a nod and some sniffles. Soon after Addison is put in his highchair, we have our supper. The food we have was called 'chicken fingers' and the are yummy!!! 

(2 min Later)

Some time after, we're somehow tired and start rubbing our eyes and trying to stay awake. When mommy and daddy notice they quietly clean us up, grab our teddies and blankies, and finally carry us to our room and cover us up. before we fall asleep completely, we here them say, "good night you too, we love you and we'll..." That's all we here before we fall into a completely  comfortable and relaxed sleep.

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