Episode 5, **The Great Big Disaster**

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The Great Big Disaster

Greedy, Clumsy and Brainy were picking some smurf berries in the forest. Greedy popped a smurf berry in his mouth and giggled.

"Oh come on Greedy, Papa Smurf said not to eat, he said to get. You know how Papa Smurf is when we are late and furthermore I agree what he does and.."

"Alright, smurf up Brainy I get it!" yelled Greedy.

Brainy rolled his eyes and went looking for more smurf berries.

"A HA! Smurfs! I think I found the most perfect smurf berry bush, any smurf could ever find!" said Brainy.

"Oh my smurf..." said Greedy and Clumsy.

They all grabbed as much smurf berries as possible and stuffed them all in there baskets. As soon as their buckets were full all the smurf berries were gone on that single bush.

"Great! Now maybe I can smurf up some smurf berry pie for us!" Greedy said happily.

"Uh, yeah Greedy, yummy! I can't wait! How about you Brainy? Huh? Are you excited for the great smurf berry pie?"

"Clumsy, Clumsy.. of course I am excited for the smurf berry pie I mean who wouldn't? Even Papa Smurf said you should always appreciate about what smurfs give you and..."

Greedy and Clumsy rolled their eyes grabbed their baskets of smurf berries and walked back to the village leaving Brainy just talking to himself. Brainy stopped talking and realized he was just talking to himself!

"Hey! Wait for me!" and Brainy ran as fast as he could back to them.

Greedy, Clumsy and Brainy headed to where Papa Smurf was smurfing up the ingredients for the smurf berry pie. Once they arrived they put down their baskets.

"Here-ya go Papa Smurf, fresh and ready to put for the pie!" said Greedy.

"Thank you my little smurfs! You were just in time!"

"Papa Smurf, you should thank me because I was the one who found the smurf berry bush!"

Clumsy tapped Brainy's shoulder, "But uh Brainy, we helped you picked the smurf berries off the bush for you, aren't I right Greedy?"

"Sure are, Clumsy!"

"I thank you all for getting it."

All 3 of them cheered. Papa Smurf grabbed the baskets full of smurf berries and poured it into the big bowl. Boy it sure did look delicious.

"Mmm...that looks smurftastic!" said Greedy.

"Yeah, it sure does Greedy!" Clumsy agreed.

"So Papa Smurf, do you need any help with cooking this smurf berry pie?" asked Brainy.

Papa smurf nodded, "Well you 3 could help me by reading the ingredients while I go smurf to the washroom and take a little break. All the ingredients are right here in my lab!"

"Yes Papa Smurf!" They all said.

Papa Smurf headed to the washroom leaving Brainy in charge. Leaving Brainy in charge...what a smurfy idea Papa Smurf.. (sarcastic)

"Okay smurfs, time to cook up this pie!" said Brainy and picked up the list. The list had many steps and ingredients.



1. 3 Baskets/Buckets of Smurf berries  ☑

2. 2 Buckets of Milk [ ]

3. 1/2 Bucket of Eggs [ ]

4. 2 buckets of flour [ ]


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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