Episode 3, **Unusual Papa Smurf**

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Unusual Papa Smurf

Clumsy was in the forest skipping and was going back to the village to give Papa smurf the smurf-berries he asked for. Until he wasn't looking at fell over a root of a tree,

"Uh, whoopsie! I guess I gotta go pick some more!"

Clumsy picked up his basket and started looking for smurf-berry bushes to get some more smurf berries. He looked around the old oak tree, the 10 maple trees, and still didn't find nothing. Clumsy noticed in one of the maple tree's there was a smurfy squirrel couple in the tree cuddling with each other.

Oh gosh, I wish I was like that couple in the tree, only if I could get married.. and fall in love, with someone, Clumsy thought.

He did a huge sigh, and found a smurf-berry bush behind a pine tree. He picked slowly as he thought that he could be like those squirrels up in the tree.


After Clumsy was done picking the smurf-berries he needed to give to Papa smurf, and quickly headed back to the smurf village.


"Ooh, Papa smurf, whats in this smurfy book?" asked Smurfette curiously looking at the book written "True Love" for the cover.

"Yeh, Whut is in this book anyways? agreed Greedy, and while he is munching on his muffins.

Papa smurf stared down at the ground, "Uh well, hehehe uhh you never know if you need it any day haha..eh..?"

Smurfette and Greedy stared at each other in a blank confused face and looked back at Papa smurf, "Oh..o..kay?"  they both answered confused at the same time.

All suddenly to break the AKWARD silence, Clumsy came and tripped on the step to the door, holding his basket full of smurf-berries.

"OOF! Uhm I'm okay!" shouted Clumsy.

The smurf berry basket slid across the floor and bumped into Papa smurfs feet.  Papa smurf picked up the smurf-berry basket and looked to see if they were in good condition.

"Thank you Clumsy for getting me the smurf-berries."

"Your welcome Papa smurf! He-He."

Papa smurf didn't notice that Smurfette, Greedy and Clumsy were looking inside the book of  "True Love" but he did when he heard them giggling.

"SMURFS! PUT THAT BOOK DOWN!" shouted Papa smurf and he snatched the book away from them.

Greedy walked out and replied, "Okay papa smurf, I'm just gonna get a snack.."

"Me too!" said Smurfette and Clumsy at the same time, then they both walked out of papa smurfs lab.

Clumsy wondered why Papa smurf needed smurf berries anyways, so did Greedy and Smurfette!

"Alright so, 10 smurf berries..." Papa smurf said while reading the book, and putting it in the pot. Papa smurf continued on the recipe.


Clumsy's eyes laid on to Smurfette, day dreaming and not paying attention to Smurfette and Greedy's conversation.

"Clumsy..how about you, did you wonder what is wrong with Papa smurf?" asked Smurfette.

He still was staring at her, and tripped over a rock sticking out of the ground. "OOF! Oh I'm sorry Smurfette, um.. um oh GOLLY! Yeah I did.. didn't you Greedy?"

Greedy doing a *What the smurf* face looking at Clumsy, and replied "Yeah I did..."

Smurfette giggled and Greedy sighed and they headed toward another way.

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