Chapter 5: what have i done

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Ch 5:

What have I done

There Flake lay. Peaceful silence surrounded me. I slowly and carefully tied the amulet around his neck, he did nothing. I whimpered again, and as if that wasn't enough pain, Clairese came out of nowhere and asked what the necklace was for.

"It's an amulet, his amulet, the leaders amulet." I replied slowly and calmly.

"Oh. But now it's yours, he's... gone and you must take over." She said.

"You must have SOME hope he will live!" I hissed softly.

She only stood there silent as a fly, still as the sun, and calm as a butterfly. My anger flared, this was just rude! Ignoring a deputy... Is it even possible!? "Well!?" I snapped sharply.

"He can't be here forever, you know that, and so do I. You must realize-"

"REALIZE WHAT!?!?!?" I snapped at her sharper then claws on an enemies back. As a reaction she winced then she hissed and slowly stalked away, snickering in a soft but sharp tone.

When she was out of earshot I sank into the comforts of Flake's fur and whimpered, "What have I done now!?"

Amulet clans. Book 2. A tiny shardWhere stories live. Discover now