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THE ROOM REEKS WITH a different scent that cannot be smelled by the nose, but felt by the soul. There is a different air enveloping the vastness of a room that at first glance, looks like a a sophisticated chart room of a command center. It is a war room, all right, but not a sophisticated brain center that commands fleets and planes. It is a planning and command center located temporarily at Paris that is responsible for all the troop movements of the angels' realm.

The long and wide table that almost occupied  the floor is a huge map representing a flattened globe. Each country and territory is carefully marked and there are pieces of chiseled wood pieces scattered about it like it is a giant chess board on the final seconds of game. It is in fact a chess board, a game of the looming war, but not in the final seconds of the game. It is at the early stage.

There are twelve men, angels in disguise which are dressed casually, surrounding the table. One of them is Archangel Uriel. Eight from the count are his trusted lieutenants while the remaining three are spies that was sent to Argentina.

Yet Michael is the most trusted archangel of heaven, he is tasked to move around Geiki and has the privilege to make moves without consulting the realm or anyone in the hierarchy. As meant by his name, the likeness of God, he may have been the Almighty's alter ego. But when it comes to tactical matters, it is Uriel's task.

Now, pacing around the table, a hand on his chin as if a war general being cornered by the movements of troops on the war map, he is brainstorming with his trusted crew. Every decision he makes may mean them the war. And he intends not to fail. Failure has no room for victors.

"Where exactly?" He asked looking at the etched map with various colors on the surface of the table. He stopped pacing and went in between two of those who are surrounding the table.

One of the spies that had travelled from Argentina picked from the edge a chiseled piece of wood, a horned sphere with a flat base that was colored in red, and placed it on the table where the Straight of Magellan is. "Here."

"And they would be positioning where?" He asked again eyeing the piece representing the enemy in a fierce way at the Straight of Magellan, as if doing so will help him defeat them.

"My best guess," another one from the three spies assigned at Argentina spoke and picked up the piece being talked about then moved it passed the straight and stopped in somewhere the South Atlantic Ocean. From there, he moved it up the North Atlantic. "They settle somewhere here for the mean time, then they attack Paris."

The angel picked another piece over an island called Ponta Delgada. "This will cross the ocean too." Then he moved it to France. "And attack here."

"We will be fighting on two fronts then," one said.

"A matter of time now."

"Indeed," Uriel uttered. "With a great number like those two division, we're outnumbered. We cannot fight on two sides."

"What about reinforcement?" A voice asked.

"Do you believe they are unto us before the Thirteenth?"

"They might possibly wait for it," the same voice answered. "But still, we cannot fight on two sides."

"Reinforcement may be soon under way. If we cannot fight on two sides," Uriel picked two pieces of wood chiseled into a pair of wings with a square base. He placed one at England and another one at Germany. "They cannot fight on three sides if they are only counting on two waves."

"What if there is more to their plan than the way we see them?" The third member from the team of spies sent to Argetina queried.

"Matter of fact, there is really more on it than what we can see and guess," Uriel stated flatly. "Let's just hope I am wrong not to trust Michael's decision of giving the half devil the Cross. With the Grand Apocalypse and Cross on our side, this war can be turned in our favor."

War of Six Armies (Thirteenth of The Blue)Where stories live. Discover now