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THE SILENCE ENGULFING THE capital of United States of America is the one that can twist the heart in a knot. Even a morning breeze that had just been born died out instantly as if it is afraid to pass between the two troops that is about to collide any moment. If someone has said that silence kills, the very moment can prove it true. The silence that was dubbed in the air is deafening that even a sound of a needle falling on the pavement might be heard for some kilometers away.

Minutes prior to the coming of the black cloud that disintegrated into a formation of winged black warriors, the chariots have tirelessly rounded up the capitol air space, warning everyone to go and stay indoors. The people caught in shroud of confusion found themselves obeying the orders of winged creatures aboard hovering chariots. Stores, restaurants, and every establishment that were open early in the morning have been packed with people as cars and other vehicles were mostly left in idle amid the streets.

Many of those who found themselves squeezed with strangers in edifices peeps at the windows. Most of them have their mobile phones' camera trained at the events unfolding outside. Little did they know, that after the clash is done, none of those video recordings will be left in their storage.

The formation of both parties looks intimidating and the angels are playing defense on the battle. The angels, docking behind their shields, eyed the other party fiercely and the way they looked at the enemy is enough to puncture their breastplates. Anybody that would give their line of spears a look will feel a cold tingle run up and down their spine. The archers are poised too, their arrows are aimed upwards in a direction that will let it rain down death on the enemies.

The warriors of hell look more than prepared. They seem to have waited for these moment their entire existence, a chance of getting their hands on the wonderful creatures of God. At the lines of offenses, the warriors are gripping their weapons the tightest ever. Their eyes are filled with bursting menace that tells the story how they want to slaughter their victims in a thousand ways.

Surrounded by twelve other angels, Archangel Metatron is at far back of his troops. From there, he will give commands on how to play the battle from defense to the offensive moves which will be carried by those who surrounds him to the leaders of a certain group. When he wants to pass a certain order to the archers, he will just utter the command. Via gestures and signs, the certain angel near him will transmit the order which will be read by the leader of the archers that has her back completely turned away from the enemy and was tasked only in reading the gestures. The leader of the archers then shouts an order to the troops which will be carried out instantly. Same thing goes for everyone like the line of shields and spear, those who clutches melee weapons near the vanguard, and those who are in reserve.

Metatron eyed the line of enemy from his position. He never felt so much intimidation from anything in his entire existence. He got to give the the enemy troops every respect they deserve. After all, they look like one flock of tough troops.

"How many?" He asked the one nearest to his left softly. Every word is uttered carefully, afraid that they might hear him from the other side. But no one will see him intimidated, the members of the other flock of troops are too focused in awaiting orders.

"Best guess," the angel answered Metatron with eyes scanning the sea of troops. "Twenty thousand strong."

"At least we are not outnumbered"

"But still one against each of us."

"What am I suppose to feel about it?"

"I guess it would be right to feel that the fight is even," he answered Metatron back. "At least the number favors no one."

Metatron found that the the sea of demon warriors are parting in two amid the formation. He watched with growing curiosity as he saw someone slid at the gaping partition. Somebody is coming towards the front of the line.

War of Six Armies (Thirteenth of The Blue)Where stories live. Discover now