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MICHAEL FELT THAT IT is as if a blow of a sledgehammer had just struck his heart. The angel that reported at the war room uttered barely five words but told thousands of stories happening at the capital of United States of America."

"Clash has just erupted at Washington,"  the angel announced with fear over his face upon cracking the door open.

Michael stared at the pieces laid over Washington and imagined the violence of the battle that has just erupted. It is as if he can see the sharp edges of weapons plunge through celestial flesh and hear shields deflect hits. He can feel reverberation in the depths of his ears that are filled with battlecries, roars, and chants of the colliding troops. He can feel the disturbed air left at the wake of whizzing arrows.

"It's official," Uriel announced that plucked Michael back to reality. "They are clashing at Washington."

"That's twenty thousand against same number," Michael said not in his wits. He seems afraid to utter the words.

"An even match," Uriel uttered as if it is an ordinary thing to hear something about their forces colliding against another force.

It is an ordinary thing in reality. The war of light and dark has been going on for some time. But there was never a war that mobilized such numbers of troops. There are large armies taking positions on different parts of the globe, and additions for them are still being expected.

"Metatron is a tactician," Michael responded. "But he still needs every luck. Havaliah will be stopped at nothing. They might need reinforcements."

"Not yet. We wait for the result."

"Wait?" Michael wanted to protest but decided to leave Uriel on his task. "While you wait for it, I'll have to take care of my task."

"You should."


METATRON WAS DUMBSTRUCK WHEN he saw Havaliah's troops flood in the gaps of his shattered defenses. The battering ram hit another portion of the line and in an instant, a number of angels were gone. Enemies flooded in at the new gap instantly.

"Left swing," Havaliah ordered at the other side of the battle, not finished with his surprises yet. "Right swing. Archers."

"On me!" A demon warrior wielding a battle ax roared and he led a wave that splinted towards the left.

"Charge!" Another battlecry and a splinter of a wave separated towards the right.

"Nock!" A prolonged shout. In an instant, arrows were loaded unto bows and crossbows. And as the left and right blows were being delivered by the two waves of troops, arrows were loosened and rained down on the ranks of angels. It is the angels turn to suffer loses as many of those who are hit fell towards the ground, the unfortunate ones all perished in an instant.

The journey of angels towards the eternal death is not also a pretty one. Like the demons, joints disintegrate from each other as statics of electric currents wrapped their body. In an instant, they are gone with the dying of the static. A moment they are there being wrapped by electric statics, the next, they are gone like they did not existed at all.

"Chariots," Metatron regaining his wits. "On the left. Chariots on the right. Order the reserve archers to shoot the waves on the left and right. Give me warriors from the reserves after the chariots. Fire arrows at their mid."

War of Six Armies (Thirteenth of The Blue)Where stories live. Discover now