Chapter 4

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(Y/N) entered the maiden's chamber to be greeted by Blake sitting in his chair he smiled he then entered the shadows and appeared behind the chair looking over her shoulder to see what she was reading, it was the new Ninjas of love book he had given her "Enjoying the book I see." she jumped quickly closing the book hiding it behind her with eyes wide "Don't sneak up on me like that you jerk." he smiled at her making another chair for himself "Aw but it's fun besides I only tease the people I consider friends." he said while he made himself and her drinks "You consider me a friend?" he looked at her slightly puzzled "Why wouldn't I, you've been nothing but kind to me and I you." she nodded understanding what he meant "So if I'm kind to you, you will be kind to me?" he nodded "That's how I work, I treat people how they treat me but I don't hate them for how they act, I prefer to judge by morals instead of attitudes everyone starts the same and ends the same, we all have hearts, lungs, and all the other organs that makes the body function. That Blake is how I function or at least try to." she listened to his reasoning and agreed with it because inside they were all the same just a bag of meat that would become dust in the end. 

"So how is the book thus far?" this made her blush a slight pink "It's really good thank you." he gave her a cup of tea which she took with a nod of thanks taking a sip "It's a little cold." "Oh sorry." he took his hand making a flame appear in the palm heating the tea quickly she took another sip "Just right thank you." "Your welcome." they sat there drinking and reading for a while until Blake asked "Do you want to head into Vale, I have to get some things." he nodded and stood up offering his hand to Blake which she took "What a gentleman." he smiled slightly as he led her to the elevator once they were at the landing pad Blake asked the aged old question "(Y/N) what happens when we pass?" he looked at her with a look that said he knew it was coming "What happens when you pass is you enter my kingdom where you experience happiness that only your heart knows, but if you don't make it to my kingdom you go to my cousin's and hers is the same one just happens to have a black, red, and purple color scheme." she laughed at the last part as he had said it in a light hearted joking tone. 

Arriving at Vale they began heading to a bookstore "The few things you needed were books?" he asked in a tone that feigned confusion she glared at him playfully "Maybe I just wanted to hang out with you outside of that chamber." she said with a light tinge of  pink on her cheeks, (Y/N) smiled and walked up to her looking into her amber eyes "If you wanted that you just had to ask." "Come on let's check out the fiction". 

After a half hour they left for a cafe where they exchanged stories of some fights they had in the past enjoying each other's company, when they started for Beacon both felt as though they had done this a million times, "So Blake, what in this great wide world would you like to see if you could?" she gave him a confused look "Why the sudden question?" he shrugged "I don't know, figured I'd get to know you a little more by asking where'd you like to go." she thought for a moment "I don't know actually, never really thought about it." he chuckled shaking his head "What?" she asked "I have never met someone who didn't know where or what they wanted to see in this world." "Is that a bad thing?" he shook his head still smiling "Not at all, if anything it's interesting, we should hurry back before the last bullhead leaves." she nodded but when they reached the docking area they were too late "Now what?" he looked down trying to think, he then looked at her "How much do you trust me?" she looked at him confused "I guess as much as friends can, why?" he grabbed her hand making her cheeks become dusted with pink and they ran to a shaded area "We're going to the nearest shadow at Beacon, downside my realm won't exactly agree with you." "What do you mean?" "Well it doesn't necessarily like living bodies, so we need to move fast and the only way to do that is with me carrying you and running through it to Beacon." she thought about their situation, on one hand if she wasn't there she'd be in trouble but at the risk of getting hurt trying to get back but if they didn't return then (Y/N) wouldn't be on guard for the maiden and as mentioned before she'd be in trouble something she or her team could have right now "Alright I trust you." (Y/N) had a look of worry and understanding in his eyes then gave her a nod he picked her up almost looking like they were melting into the shadow of the buildings. 

When they entered Blake felt as if she were under twenty times gravity "Don't worry, the feeling will go away but we need to start going now." she nodded unable to speak due to the strain she was under right now, (Y/N) began running but what was seen was a place covered in a purple light the ground on which (Y/N) ran on looked like black ash every so often there were dim red lights in the ground but further up in the black blue sky was a castle that looked as if it was made out of the purest darkness there were red lines marking the borders, there were four towers that looked like they were floating in the air but were still connected to the castle.

There were creatures that represented animals from Remnant but were gigantic and looked as if they had been mutated or disfigured there was one that looked like an eel that looked as if it were swimming through the air and swam over them but ultimately left them alone, there was a creature that looked like a dog but when it looked at the two of them it wore a mask that was constantly changing color the eyes were red feathers came from the top and had a long pointed nose that was red with teeth covered in what looked like blood that were pointed and looked as though they were wide needles that could be used for torture. 

"We're almost there Blake, try to not fall asleep." she was looking at the creatures that inhabited the realm "W-what are those?" "They are the creatures that represent the many things people do, the eels represent the peaceful nature of fishing, that dog represents man's desire to use some animals to hunt. I don't know what the mask is meant to be but some creatures have something like that." sleep was calling her name as if it were her mother calling her for dinner, when they were close to the shadow they would use to leave a person was standing there their skin looked as if it were rotting it was moaning something (Y/N) came to stop and whispered to her "Don't make a sound that is a Life Eater, though blind they are sensitive to sound and if they hear something it latches on to the source whether or not if it is living or inanimate and try to take away the soul leaving the victim if living in a vegetable like state." he slowed to a walking pace they were only two feet away from it.

They stopped when it turned toward them showing a almost skull like face the teeth were visible where the eyes would be was emptiness except for the centipede that crawled out it, it opened it's mouth letting out a almost sorrowful moan when it turned away (Y/N) started walking again finally making it to the exit making Blake feel like she could fly from the lack of the pressure she was feeling from the dark realm "That was interesting to say the least." said a somewhat unnerved Blake remembering the Life Eater but when she looked at (Y/N) what she saw made her want to scream, the dog they had seen in the dark realm was there and was trying to get a bite out of (Y/N)'s arm it's jaw opening accompanied by a sickening cracking noise "Down you mutt, down." (Y/N) yelled at the creature only for it to run at him but at the last second he sent it back to the dark realm "Well that was fun." he turned to Blake "Sorry about that, now let's get you to your dorm." 

Millennium prince male reader x Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now