Chapter 12

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'I am thou, thou art I
You who brings about despair
You who ends and begins
What is thou name?'

"My name?Why are you asking for my name? "

'I am thou, thou art I
You who was birth from the dealiest of sin
Look into your heart and tell me
Who are you?
What art thou?'

"I am...My name..."my voice trails off as I could feel wind brush my cheek.I open my eyes as the blood red moon was there to greet me. It felt as if it was turning more red as I keep having this dream. I raise myself up and look around for the boy who was always here. 'Where is he?'I look to see the boy was right next to me, asleep. His hands were clasp as if he was dead.He was dressed in my new school uniform this time. His hair sway with the wind as I look to see what was surrounding us. 'As always.Blood red roses.'I look down at him as his mouth open this time."Are you human or not?" I got from up the ground as he asks the question again."Are you human or not?"

"I'm human!"

"Really?Are you sure?"

"Yes i mean no wait."

"Would you like to know? "

"Yes, I have to know..."

As the boy's eyes open, I felt the entire world turned dark.I look from left to right trying to find where he went. Then, a light shines which causes me to close my eyes. When I open them, I could see a memory.It was the oldest one I could remember.I was 3 years old and my mother and father had been gone all day. The only one there was my older brother,Crux. I was sick with a fever and they were scared to bring me in the car with them. "Big brother, when is mommy and daddy coming back?" "They are going to be back and with a doctor too.You are going to be okay,"he pets my head. Then, the door opens and instead of my parents was someone familiar.

'I remember that.I always wonder why I had a doctor come see me instead of going to a hospital, but...wait that's Azure!'I points as the boy appears next to me.'Yes he is...Do you remember what he did Maori?'I try to rack my brain around it and try to remember anything.Sadly, I couldn't think of anything.What's weird is I dont remember meeting Azure back then.This cant be right.'You had a fever remember? Keep watching.'he tells me almost reading my mind, but then again we are in my mind.

"Hello, little princess,"he smiles with his platinum hair covering his one eye while his other pale blue eye greets me.

'Why do you think he called you princess?'the boy asks me as I shrugs.'Because girls always dream of being princesses, right?I never paid any attention when he said it.Mom and Dad called me that for years until I told them I wanted to become a singer when I grew up'I explains it away while laughing.'If this is your proof, you goint to have to try harder than that to convince me.'

'Keep watching, Maori.'

"Hi~"I answer before open and closing my eyes slowly. "I'm going to do something for you dear child and you have to promise me something,"he tells me."You're going to make me feel better, right?Mommy and Daddy told me you would."I tell him with a innocent smile. He chuckles,"Of course, little princess.Your parents are very worried for their princess,"The man drew a symbol circle on my head,"Now I will say a magical spell and this will seal the fever away." "Yay,"I celebrates before he pats my head."When you awake, little princess, your life will be that of a peaceful one.For this to stay, you must never look or dream of a red moon and never reach out for the one in your dreams.""I promise, nice doctor,"I says before falling to sleep.A pulse reveal a demon form of myself before reverting back to the way I look now.The symbol circle shine before disappeaing.The man said the spell before three people walk in who had my family face but not their clothes or mannerism.

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