Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Sure. What's wrong Bailey? You sound like you just saw-" She hung up.

Well that was weird if i do say myself. I wonder what wrong with Bailey. She sounded like she just saw something see didnt ever want to see. I hope she is okay.

After about 5 minutes Bailey came running into the door.

"Hey are you okay? You sounded scared when you were on the phone" I asked worried.

"Abby can I tell you something?" She asked

"Yeah sure. Tell me anything and everything." I said making her laugh a little.

"Well I went to this party and I was by where all of the drinks were and this guy came up to me and asked if I wanted to dance and I said sure because I just wanted to be nice and after about 20 minutes of dancing he grabs my waist and pulled me up the stairs. I knew what he was trying to do and I didn't want to do anything and when I told him no he didn't do anything but kiss my neck and when I said no again he slapped me and..." She cut herself off and stopped talking. She looked like she was about to cry.

"And what Bailey?" I asked sweetly trying to stop her from getting more upset.

"And then suddenly this boy with tattoos and piercings and redish orange eyes and blueish purple hair came up to him and punched him and he looked at me and said he will alway protect me no matter what and then I went to go hug him but I just went straight through him and when I went to look back a him he was gone. Abby I don't know what to do! I don't know what he... It was! " She started to cry and I hugged her knowing that if I didn't calm her down soon she would make herself sick and start to hyperventilate.

"Hey just breath. Was there anyone else with him?" I said wiping her face with my sweater sleeve.

She nodded. "Yeah. There was a tall boy that had blonde hair with blood red eyes and another boy that was a little bit shorter that the blonde boy and he had redish purple eyes and light brown hair"

Wait...tall, blood red eyes and blonde hair... Luke?

"Wait, did the blonde one have a black lip ring and a few tattoos?" i asked

"Yeah how do you know that?" she asked sitting up more than before.

"Well you know the demon i can see and hear," she nods "Well him name is Luke and i can not just see and hear him, I can feel him too. and i dont think its just him, I think its all demons." I explained ans she just sat there. Thinking.

"Oh well thats cool." She giggled sightly which caused me to laugh.

"So is that all that happened at this party?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah. I was only there for 30 minutes" She replied

"Oh My God! Thats not that long" I say laughing a little too hard

Suddenly we both stopped laughing due to the fact that something fell upstairs. I looked at her and she looked at me and we both stood up and started walking towards the stairs. Right as we put our feet on the first step someone started yelling and it was coming from my room.

"WHY DID SHE HAVE TO KISS HIM? WHY DOES HE THINK HE'S BETTER THAN ME?" the person said. That voice sounds so familiar to me.

"Bailey stay here. I'm going to go investigate." i said knowing that she has already been through enough tonight.

"Okay, just be careful." I nodded and walkd up the stairs and to my room. When i reached my room and just stood there for a minute to see if he would yell or say anything else. I put my back up against the door and just waited know that he would sense the i was there.


(A/N) Oooo what do you think will happen? Will Luke do something to Abby? Will Luke do something to Levi? Also who do you think wants to enter Baileys life? SO MANY QUESTIONS OMG LOL.

Tell me what you think in the comments and Thank you all for the Votes. I love each and every single one of them!!!   Byeeeee <3

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