The Declaration Of IndependenceThe second paragraph clearly states that all men are created equal
That they are endowed by the creator with certain inalienable Rights
Which include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
So why in America are we still fighting the Civil War
Why are slave conditions, without the actual ownership of humans, still prevalent
And what is all the uproar about the alt-left vs the alt-right
Is this what was intended
That we at 250 years later would be headed ass backwards into our back assward pastThat our Right to life liberty and our pursuit of happiness would lead to such infighting
That our Government would be led by scandalous self serving tyrants
Though we are no longer thirteen independent colonies fighting the tyrannical Mother Country, the Declaration still stands
But it seems as if now we need to declare independence from our own current Governing Body
Well... I Declare...©
August 2017. poems thoughts life stories
PoetryRated 85 in poetry August 27, 2017 This month begins my third year on Wattpad... I have learned much... I have achieved more than I could ever have expected... I have enjoyed the experience... I truly could not believe the enormous support that I...