Chapter 13: Life and Death

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*Baekhyun P.O.V*

I was dragged out of my dorm by Hye jin i tried to pull away but she just sunk her nails in my skin even more.

Once she dragged my to her dorm i yanked my arm from her grip and rubbed the spot that hurts.

She then pointed to Y/N's room and just right there i felt the world freeze i didn't know what to think all my emotions just flew away.

I ran to the door and kept banging on it even though she won't even open it. Then i went all out and tried smashing the door open.

The door got knocked down after a few hits. I ran in and saw no sign of her, i then ran to her bathroom where all the bloody water was and saw Y/N in the bathtub full to the rim with water mixed with blood.

I saw the smashed mirror it probably explains how she cut herself.

I ran to her grabbing her arm and putting it around my neck. "CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!" I yelled to my members who were standing in Y/N's room.

I dragged Y/N to her bed and saw she cut her wrist i grabbed a piece of clothe and tore it in half and wrapped it around her wrist to stop the bleeding.

After about 5 mins the ambulance arrived and took her i rode with her in the back of the ambulance.

We arrived at the hospital and they took her in the surgery room i had to wait outside.

After an hour the other members arrived. "What happened to her??" Asked Suho hyung. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THEY JUST TOOK HER IN THERE AN HOUR AGO, WHO KNOWS IF SHE IS ALIVE OR NOT!!" I yelled not wanting to believe what happened to Y/N.

"Yah! Baek just because your lover is hurt it doesn't-" Kyungsoo was cut of by Suho "it's fine he needs time alone" Suho gave a reassuring look towards Kyungsoo.

"Hyung i am sorry i didn't mean to yell at you like that it's just i am so concerned about Y/N. I am really sorry." I apologized to Suho hyung.

"It's okay i know you are worried towards Y/N, i understand." He said in a calm way.

"Thank you hyung" i thanked him.

It was now hours since Y/N was in there and slowly by slowly i am getting more worried and concerned.

My members decided to go back to the dorm because it was 2 in the morning.

I saw a nurse come out of the surgery room. I immediately jumped to her. "Is
Y/N ok? Did the surgery go well? Is sh-"

"Don't worry dear the girl is alright, thankfully she didn't cut too deep but" the nurse explained.

"But??" I asked

"But she is in a coma it she might not wake up anytime soon and if she didn't wake up within six months she might unfortunately die." The nurse continued.

My legs gave out on me and i fell to the floor i just didn't want to believe it i really didn't want to.

Hey guys i hope you like this chapter as always please vote if you want. I hope you look forward for the next chapter. ❤️❤️

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