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mingyu hadn't talked with wonwoo for days. not since the incident. he didn't pick up any of wonwoo calls and when wonwoo had tried to come at his door, he made his sister open the door to tell him that he was sick, ill or that he was out.

he just was too disappointed in him; that day wonwoo had made an distance all from when the men came, and when he just ran away the distance became longer than it ever was.

mingyu felt like wonwoo was embarrassed over him, and he couldn't bear to meet his face. not right now.

sitting in his room all day made him pretty restless and bored. spending a lot of thoughts on how to get over this, he begin thinking at the the problems wonwoo was dealing with.

he was just scared. he was scared because he was afraid what people would say, if they would react as seungcheol, he was afraid his parents and his brother would neglect him. he was just scared.

but the question was that if mingyu could bear it all? if he could bear wonwoo actions, that affected him so much. that made him question if he could really go through this without being hurt. he felt he wasn't strong enough.

either way, he liked wonwoo too much to give him up. he had been through a lot, and all since he got to know that he liked him back, he couldn't give up. he had to do something.

he had to show wonwoo that he didn't have to be scared nor afraid to come out and that people would appreciate it so much if he did, so he would not hurt mingyu as much as he did.

he got at his feet from sitting with his desk, and wandered to the living room. he then proceeded to open the door, dramatically, to make an entrance to his parents sitting in the living room.

they were watching chatting over something when they suddenly got all their attention on their son.

he looked at them breathing in and out loudly. his pulse were on maximun, because this could either go well, bad or really bad, but he had to to this right now to prove something.

"mom, dad...i'm gay,"

there was some long seconds where he could see his parents just glaring at him before they looked each other.

it was so quiet so mingyu felt like he had to say something more.

"and wonwoo...wonwoo, my friend..is not my friend..he's...i liked him for a very long time, and it's just now, finally now we're together, but he's not..he's not accepting himself, and i feel.so..so," struggling to keep the sentence together. his sobs engulfed him. 

he felt so emotional, having all this emotions in and finally speaking to someone about wonwoo and his problems. and finally now coming out to his parents, who he had wanted to do for so long, but didn't had the courage to. 

he laid his head in his hands and just cried. when he suddenly felt hands embracing him. he could feel his mom scent in his nostrils confirming that it was her who embraced him and he felt at little at ease. 

taking his hand away from his head and going a step back, he looked at his mom's face. she was smiling a comforting smile, before she said anything

"you sister asked us a few years ago, if you liked boys. she had been wondering a long time. we couldn't answer it, because we started questioning ourselves: is he,"

mingyu looked weirdly at his mom. 

"but, uh.."

"so we've guessing it for a long time, preparing us for the time you finally would open up about it, preparing so you didn't have to be afraid and didn't have to lie to us about it," 

suddenly he could see that his dad was right beside his mom, putting his hands on her shoulders and looking at mingyu nodding at him with a respectful and comforting face. nothing more then what mingyu expected. 

then mingyu embraced his mom, leaving dad awkwardly hugging mom from the side while having a hand on mingyu's shoulder


author's note: i've been tired and not having time at all since school begun, and now i'm having an cold too, great :)

thank u for readin' i luv u <3

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